This works fine, and all Homematic devices are picked up and can be used within Homematic.
However, it seems that new devices, which were added to Homematic after the initial setup ran, are not picked up automatically. So far, I couldn’t find a way to trigger re-dicovery of devices.
Is there an adviced way on how to do this? So far my work-around was to remove .storage and start from scratch, since I have most of my data in version control with YAML files, but obviously this is not really a good option. Shouldn’t there be a “rediscover” service for the Homematic component?
The entities should be available almost immediately after you have paired them to your CCU. However, they won’t have the nice entity names because you can’t rename them quickly enough on the CCU. To get the nice names you have to restart Home Assistant. Besides that, there shouldn’t be anything you have to do.
Keep in mind, depending on your lovelace configuration the entities simply will not be displayed because your UI-configuration does not reference them. But you’ll always see them in the entity-overview once they have been created. However, since you resolve the names you should restart Home Assistant in any case once you have set the name you want on the CCU. Adding them in lovelace with the old entity IDs and then restarting HA obviously would break the reference again.
The device you are trying to add only generates events, which is handled in this section of the documentation. In that case everything would be fine and you just have to listen for the relevant events in your automations.
The device is not supported. Not all devices work in Home Assistant. If you share which device it is I could look if it should be working.
Okay, thanks for the input. I will try to trigger events by interacting with the devices once I’m back at the site.
I’ve added two devices:
Homematic IP SRH (Fenstergriffsensor)
Homematic IP WTH-2 (Wandthermostat)
Out of curiosity: How is it that other such devices work just fine and are imported during initial setup? At least from Homematic point of view the devices look exactly the same and are detected / working correctly.
I have many other such devices running (exactly same model, etc.)
The two devices you have mentioned should create entities, and they are both supported.
I wasn’t aware from your statement, that other devices of the same type are working, while these specific ones are not. Hence the two assumptions above.
So in your case there seems to be some other problem. To get the most debug-output, put this into your configuration.yaml
reviving this thread since it might be related to my issue. I’ve got a system up and running (switches and some heating elements), now I added two HmIP-eTRV-B (never used them before), but they don’t show up. I’m using raspberrymatic and I can control all (old) devices via home assistant.
There are two homematic ip related log entries when I start home assistant:
Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/asyncio/
First occurred: 15:02:43 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:02:43
Setup of homematic is taking over 10 seconds.
Logger: pyhomematic._hm
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyhomematic/
First occurred: 15:02:43 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:02:43
Skipping init for homeassistant-ccu2
Unfortunately I don’t know if this is the cause or even what to do about it, but what I read online is, that at least the skipping init shouldn’t be an issue. Does anyone have an idea what to do?
Those two log messages are irrelevant for you problem. Can you confirm the climate-entities that should have been created are missing in the entities-overview? And even more important: what does your configuration.yaml look like? If you only used old devices before, you’ll have to add the interface for HmIP.
Please excuse the delayed response, somehow I was wondering why no one answered I obviously missed the notification.
I checked again and somehow it came up a couple days later after an update for raspberrymatic, no Idea what happened there.
@danielperna84 Hi Daniel, I also have the same issue as the post states. I already had multiple thermostats (HMIP) integrated and during holiday season I bought 2 new devices. All added them sucessfully in Homematic environment but they dont automatically add to Homeassistant.
I already deactivated the configuration.yaml part with homematic integration and re-added it - no change.
I also logged in on the host system of homeassistant, connected to homematic via Pyhton commands (listdevices) and the devices are listed in the reponse-XML.
Not sure what else to do?
Sadly it it requires some work. The exposed Entity IDs change a little bit. So you have to adjust the automations etc. to point at the newly created Entities.
You will have to invest a bit of work. May I suggest (from experience) to follow a rather clean approach to this:
Delete the legacy integration and all orphaned entities left over in HA (restart HA multiple times to find all)
Take the time now to go into your Homematic UI and tune the naming of all devices here. Find a systematic naming so all devices follow the same pattern. Mine are generally names from big to small: “Bedroom ceiling light” or “Livingroom lightswitch entrance”. Avoid special characters (like the German äöüß)
Set up the new HA integration and check that all devices/entities are named to your satisfaction
Go through your automations and dashboards to see what needs to be updated to match the new devices. Not only because of names, but also to address changed behavior, e.g. of thermostats.
No surprises. The whole process will take you 1-2 hours and you will end up with a clean and consistent setup. Don’t waste time and try to hold on to your “legacy” names with the sacrifice of a clean restart.