How to add nodemcu Board type / name to front UI

I just do not get my head around, how to display the board type defined in the YAML, to the fontend UI.

  software_version: 2023 04 22 v04
  sensor_update_frequency: 1s
  esphome_name: irrigation
  esphome_platform: ESP8266
  esphome_board: nodemcuv2
  esphome_comment: Four Valve Irrigation Control

  name: $esphome_name
  platform: $esphome_platform
  board: $esphome_board
  comment: $esphome_comment
    name: $esphome_project_name
    version: $esphome_project_version

So I expect to find the boardname as an entity eg
Board: nodemcuv2


What makes you expect that?

Actually, since its defined under esphome (looks like a undefined assumption?). Imho this data sgould be part of the data availbale in HA.

What would be the best way to get this data as an entity to HA?

I tried a text sensor without any luck.

I’m confused and trying to learn.
Could someone, please hint me on how to get something like:
Board: "variable"

or a better question would be: "how to get the values under "esphome: " in my frontend? (defined as variables in substitutes).

  name: $esphome_name
  platform: $esphome_platform
  board: $esphome_board
  comment: $esphome_comment

Should this be a Text sensor?

in my frontend.

After many tries, I came up with folllowing working to my wishes:

  - platform: template # Expose the board type as a sensor
    id: espboard_type
    icon: "mdi:developer-board"
    name: $esphome_name ESPBoard
    lambda: |-
      return to_string("${esphome_board}");

It would be even better if this was shown under the device category “Diagnostics”.
Is there a method? (Or am I being too nitpicky now?)
