How to add raspberry pi camera in HA

Hassio, 77.2.

I had to make a command line sensor that uses curl to get the token from the remote instance of ha where the pi is running

  - platform: command_line
    name: Garage Pi Cam Token
    command: curl -X GET!
    value_template: '{{ value_json.attributes.access_token}}'

Then I had to change my camera to pull that info from the sensor.

  - platform: generic
    name: Garage Cam

I still have the same config in my remote pi running ha.

  - platform: rpi_camera
    image_quality: 7
    image_rotation: 180

I dont use hassio and dont know much about docker so I am not sure of the limitations there. I do know that the new auth and removal of remote.api have been tough on me but it is probably for the better.

where can i find this option?

Unfortunately, this method stops working since 0.109.4. Token doesnā€™t update in still_image_url parameter.

Hello everyone, I cannot get a general Rasberry Pi camera to work.
I am on HassOS 4.10 with Home Assistant 0.110.6 on a Rasberry Pi 3 B+.
The camera:
I have used the integration: Raspberry Pi Camera
I have added the following in my configuration.yaml

  name: 3D printer camera

I have no error messages in the log.
Under developer tools / states I see the camera: camera.3d_printer_camera and it shows idle.
When I press the little i (info) I do not see any image.
When I add it to lovelace i do not get to see any image:

aspect_ratio: 50%
camera_image: camera.raspberry_pi_camera
entity: camera.3d_printer_camera
show_state: true
  action: toggle
type: picture-entity

The picture should be here:

entity_picture: /api/camera_proxy/camera.3d_printer_camera?token=[token]

However, I cannot find the folder api anywhere, using the file editor.
The documentation suggest that the file_path should be whitelisted, but I do not have ā€œhome assistant:ā€ in my configuration.yaml so i have no clue where to add thatā€¦

What should I do? What can I do to make it work?

Hi everybody,
Digging so deep to find a solution for my RPi-cam module.
Is anybody dare to make it functionning ?
Thanks in advance.
Take care. Gaƫtan

This is my config :
docker: 19.03.8
hassos: ā€œ4.10ā€
homeassistant: 0.111.2
hostname: homeassistant
logging: info
machine: raspberrypi4
supervisor: ā€œ227ā€

I also couldnā€™t get the Raspberry PI camera to work. Itā€™s also shown on the entity list.

The ā€œ/api/camera_proxy/ā€¦ā€ thing looks like an endpoint URL of HA. Iā€™ve tried to access it using ā€œhttp://[My Home Assistant IP and port]/api/camera_proxy/ā€¦ā€ and HA returns the message ā€œ500: Internal Server Errorā€.

Iā€™m using Raspberry Pi 3 model B and Raspberry Pi Camera v2.1. The rest of my config is:

arch armv7l
chassis embedded
dev false
docker true
docker_version 19.03.11
hassio true
host_os HassOS 4.12
installation_type Home Assistant OS
os_name Linux
os_version 4.19.127-v7
python_version 3.8.3
supervisor 234
version 0.114.1
virtualenv false

came here for the same problem as above, Iā€™m also new to this and currently running ha core in docker. (Couldnā€™t get it to work on Hassos either) The rpi camera is there as an entity and the status showing as idle. What are/were we all missing here to get the camera to show an image?

EDIT: this is what worked for me, in case another docker newbie like me is looking for answers here: running the docker Container ā€”privileged

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