How to add support for a device (TINT Remote 40409) with ZHA?

Hi folks,

Just came accross a set of 4x new TINT remote controls 40409 (page in German language only, sorry). According to the zigbee database the device is supported with the ZIGBEE2MQTT, DECONZ and ZIGBEE FOR DOMOTICZ implementations.

Now I use for my HA implementation ZHA.

The device pairs fairly nice with my HA installation running ZHA. When I open the device page I can see in the “logbook area” that HA catches events when I press various buttons on the device, see screenshot:

However when I try to implement an automation where I use the press of any button on the remote controll I can’t select any such trigger event, see

Here come my questions:

  • What would be the most promising way to reach full support for the device with ZHA?
  • Would it be feasible to copy&paste some code from the DECONZ implementation to some ZHA source code files or is such an idea too naive?
  • Or is there a better way to capture any button press on the remote control device and use it as trigger in an automation?

I’m looking forward for any hint, many thanks in advance!
