How to add time to top of Dashboard & layout problem

I’d like to add the time to the tops of my dashboard like this:

I also for the life of me cannot get rid of that space under the media player. I must have futzed with this for hours to no avail. What’s the trick?

Haven’t tried it, but there’s a HACS card called Lovelace Header Cards. One of their examples is a clock.

Have you looked at vertical and horizontal stacks to get rid of the space?

This is a sidebar layout (the sidebar is on the right). The section on the left is made up of two horizontal stacks - the top one contains four vertical stacks of cards; the bottom one is just two cards. (The reminders card needs space underneath it because it expands if there are more entries.)

that totally works!!! now if only I could get rid of the space on those cards…

@jackjourneyman Brilliant. I’ve used Vertical stacks all over the place, but didn’t think of using them in the section type layout as I figured there would have to be some type of layout control there. Wishful thinking.

There’s a HACS version called Vertical Stack In which doesn’t leave gaps between the cards: