How to add xiaomi binary_sensor.wall_switch?

Hey there! I have a 3 double wall switches and one single switch.
And I`m using now automations like this:

- platform: state
entity_id: switch.wall_switch_right_158d0001f4c142
to: 'on'
- service: light.toggle
entity_id: light.light_switch_room_lamp

At dev-state I have ‘switch.wall_switch_left_xxx’ and ‘switch.wall_switch_right_xxx’, but never have ‘binary_sensor.wall_switch_xxx’. So, I can`t use single or double click.
How I can find that sensors? Or I need add some component?

To clarify It sounds like the 3 double wall switches and the single switch are all wired right? If so the only option you have is on and off.

The binary_sensor.wall_switch_xxx that support click’s are different devices. They are the battery operated wireless buttons

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Hmm. Yes, everyone are wired. So, I can`t use double click on double wall switch, right?

Not out the box.
That doesn’t mean you couldn’t create an automation that triggers when its turned on/off then waits to see if the state is still the same a second or two later, which would give you a double click. Although that’s going to cause the lights connected to the switch to flash and probably reduce the life of the switch itself.

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Ok, I understood. Thank you so much, man!

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