content: |
from <font color='#03a9f4'><ha-icon icon=mdi:home-assistant ></ha-icon></font> to <a href=''><img src = '/local/various/google_drive.png' alt='Google Drive' align='middle' width='25' height='25'></img></a>
results in:
which is in need of some alignment improvement… does anyone know how I can change that?
thanks for having a look!
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well, I meant in a markdown card of course… sorry
- type: markdown
title: >
Home Assistant back-ups
style: |
ha-card {background: var(--card-background-color);}
.card-header {color: var(--primary-color);font-weight: bold;}
content: |
from <font color='#03a9f4'><ha-icon icon=mdi:home-assistant></ha-icon></font> to <a href=''><img src='/local/various/google_drive.png' style='vertical-align:top' width='25' height='25'></img></a>
{%- for sh in state_attr('sensor.snapshot_backup','snapshots') %}
- Name: {{}}
Date: {{as_timestamp(|timestamp_custom('%d %b: %X')}}
State: {{sh.state}} <br>
{%- endfor %}
- Last snapshot: {{as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.snapshot_backup','last_snapshot'))|timestamp_custom('%d %b: %X')}}
- On Google Drive: {{state_attr('sensor.snapshot_backup','snapshots_in_google_drive')}}
- In Hassio: {{state_attr('sensor.snapshot_backup','snapshots_in_hassio')}}
in the above yaml, ive also tried the style
code, which does nothing either.
Petro says to use a span and I m not sure yet what you’d advise me here?
all for a simple image to align centered…
content: |
from <font color='#03a9f4'><ha-icon icon=mdi:home-assistant></ha-icon></font> to <a href=''><font color='#4ca067'><ha-icon icon=mdi:google-drive></ha-icon></font></a>
<span style='text-align: center;'>from <font color='#03a9f4'><ha-icon icon=mdi:home-assistant></ha-icon></font> to <a href=''><img src='/local/various/google_drive.png' width='25' height='25'></img></a></span>
<div style="text-align: center;">from <font color='#03a9f4'><ha-icon icon=mdi:home-assistant></ha-icon></font> to <a href=''><img src='/local/various/google_drive.png' width='25' height='25'></img></a></div>
won’t align the GD icon, btw using text-align because
please help…
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