How to APsystems Modell EZ1-M monitoring

A big Thank You from my side as well.

FYI, I have updated to Firmware 1.7.0 and as far as I can see, things continue to be working just nicely.

    "data": {
        "devVer": "EZ1 1.7.0",          <------------
        "deviceId": "E07000045161",
        "ipAddr": "",
        "maxPower": "600",
        "minPower": "30",
        "ssid": "HOMECTRL"
    "deviceId": "E07000045065",
    "message": "SUCCESS"


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Okay, so this integration is now part of Home Assistant and Iā€™ll archive the custom repo.

Perfect - that is working fine.
Note for others - if you want to keep your old data:

  1. Make note of the sensor names that are used with the original HACS integration
  2. Delete HACS integration
  3. Rename sensors from the HA integrated integration to the names from step 1. New entity will inherit old entities history

Thatā€™s an awesome tip, thank you!

Thanks for posting your experience. That is very useful indeed! I was just going to ask if anyone already has managed to smoothly transition to the first-party integration.

Just installed the integration. However, the custum component integration by solarladen has two additional controls which I like. One is the ability to turn the inverter on/off and the second one allows to control the output-power of the inverter.

Would be nice, if those two controls are integrated in the integration in the next release.

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The PR for the output limiter has been there since even before the first release this integration got integrated.

I just installed my EZ1 with the offical HA integration and have the same problem as WebSpyder. Unfortunately no controls for the output power are shown.
There are only 9 Entities showing the power and energy status.
I am missing:

  • APsystems WR-APSystems Max Output Power

  • APsystems WR-APSystems Power Status

I am running on Firmware V1.7.1

The Max Output option was merged today and will be available in the next minor release. The switch will come sometime soon.

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Does anyone know how many inverters can be added using this integration - I have one at the moment but considering adding another 2-3.

I canā€™t test it personally, it Iā€™m pretty sure it works.

Thanks for the Integration. Was the main reason for buying ap System.

I did the Update to 2024.6 today, but there is still no max output option. Can you Tell when it will be realeased?

I Wonder if i can use the sonnenladen git in the meantime?

The first version of the official APsystems integration was introduced with 2024.6. It seems that the extensions didnā€™t make it into the latest Home Assistant minor update. Presumably the change/extension will then come with Home Assistant 2024.7 :wink: Just keep an eye on the changelogs of the latest releases Releases Ā· home-assistant/core Ā· GitHub

And yes, you can stay with the custom Integration in the meantime, till the official integration has all the features.

It is merged, but I honestly donā€™t have any clue why it isnā€™t included in a minor fix, so it should be in the next major release.

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Let me ask you a question. I was just wondering if anyone else has the problem that the inverter goes offline every few weeks and is not accessible via API for 1-2 days.

However, if you measure the power production at the plug, you can see that the inverter is actually online and producing power correctly.

Does anyone else have this problem or know what it could be?

I personally donā€™t have the problem and Iā€™ve never received a report from other users with this error

I have the inverter integrated locally since the beginning of the month and have so far not had that problem. Occasionally polling will fail, but it always recovers after a couple of tries.

Thank you very much for your feedback.
I will continue to monitor this. This behaviour occurs for me every 2-3 months.

In the attached screenshot you can see quite clearly that the data acquisition of the inverter (yellow) still works as usual on 22 June, then on 23 June the inverter is only accessible for one hour and then again from 24 June at 09:00.
However, the balcony power station produces electricity throughout this time, as you can see from the meterā€™s feed-back (purple).

It is also not a display bug of the Energy Dashboard, as even a manual query of the API does not provide any data. The inverter is also not connected to the WLAN during this time and is displayed as disconnected in the router. It may also be a problem in connection with my WLAN, although I canā€™t think of any good reason why this should be the case and the problem only occurs every few months for 1-2 days :-/

So youā€™ve already said it: Itā€™s not a problem with the integration. You should test if the bluetooth connection still works when the wifi does not. If thatā€™s not the case, try contacting APsystems.

Yes, of course. Sorry if that came across wrong. I realised from the start that there was no problem with the integration.
I was just interested to know whether this problem still generally occurs for other users. At the moment Iā€™m blaming it on some WLAN Foo, although the coverage at the inverter point is actually quite good.
I canā€™t really test this with Bluetooth at the moment as I have deactivated Bluetooth in the settings.