How to, Aqara Zigbee devices

Summarized instructions at the end if you don’t want to read all the post.
After some months of dealing and figuring out a way to make the Aqara Zigbee devices, I think I finally make them work, connecting directly to the coordinator or a router/repeater.
As some of you are aware, the Aqara devices are very picky to join a Zigbee network that is not their own hub. When I did my research, I always found both experiences, people completely frustrated or people that were very happy with them, and everything was working fine. I tried adjusting the channel, which I keep far away from my wireless network, but I was getting the same result, the Aqara devices been dropped.
As a user who is now happy with the Aqara devices (after moving to the Aqara hub and getting different coordinators, trying ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT(Z2M)), I feel that I can share my experience with new users that are trying to make them work.
These instructions are with ZHA, but I am confident it will also work with Z2M. My coordinator is a Nortek HUSBZB-1, but I feel the instructions will work with others. The main trick is to connect the Aqara device to the coordinator directly, if the devices are paired in the main integration (ZHA and Z2M), you might end a bit frustrated, some of the end devices were disconnecting after a few hours. Then do, Configuration > Integrations > Configure (ZHA) > Devices > Zigbee Coordinator > “ADD DEVICES VIA THIS DEVICE”. And here, set up the Aqara device in pairing mode so you can start the pairing process.
Adding all of the Aqara devices directly to the coordinator worked, keeping the connection in the network for several weeks. Then, I tried to force the connection to the repeaters (Ikea, thermostat) and the same luck as before; the devices were dropping after a few hours. Doing some reading, I found that the CC2531 can be flashed as a repeater, which is also a coordinator (that I purchased when I did all my testing). My devices are not that far from the coordinator; the farthest will be some 10 meters, and it was working fine with the coordinator, but as a hard-head, I wanted to add the repeaters. I got an additional CC2531 with the debugger to have two repeaters and start testing the network. After flashing the CC2531 as routers, I add them to the network directly to the coordinator. Then, the Aqara devices were added directly to the routers after removing them from the coordinator. Everything has been working for three weeks, and I finally have a network where everything is connected to something and not the bubble moving around in the visualization. I guess that the router’s software is a similar one to the Aqara devices “lumi.router” and that’s why they like to speak to each other.
I hope this might be helpful for someone in the future. I wanted to give something back to this awesome community that helped me a lot.

1) Add the devices via the zigbee Coordinator. Configuration > Integrations > Configure (ZHA) > Devices > Zigbee Coordinator > “ADD DEVICES VIA THIS DEVICE”.
If you want to extend your network or reduce the load of the coordinator
2) Get CC2531 repeaters and plug them between your coordinator and the devices to help to extend the network. I guess the Aqara smart-plug will work too if you can give it a use. But the cheap way, the CC2531 and the debugger. Configuration > Integrations > Configure (ZHA) > Devices > CC2531 Router > “ADD DEVICES VIA THIS DEVICE”.

*Aqara pairing process: to push the pairing button for five (5) seconds or eight (8) secs depending on the device, so it will enter in pairing mode, then continue pushing and releasing the pairing button one time every sec. You will see the device starting the interview, configured, and then added. Do not stop pushing the pairing button each second until you see the battery status and not the “?” as battery status. Sometimes the battery status will take one day to reflect the “real” battery status; this is normal.


I’m not sure based on the above but…

Are you saying that after you get an Aqara device paired directly to the HUSBZB-1 controller you are then able to move it to a different location away from the controller and it will automatically then be rerouted via repeaters back to the controller?

Or do you need to have dedicated cc2531 routers then add the devices to the router so it gets sent back to the coordinator?

I have one Aqara PB that I had troubles with connecting it to ZHA via the HUSBZB-1 (even tho it was kept only 12 inches from the coordinator) so I ended up using zigbee2mqtt via the CC2531 and it’s been fine ever since in the same location 12 inches away.

I’d like to get a few more Aqara battery powered temperature devices but I want them to connect to ZHA instead of z2m.

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The device (coordinator or CC2531 router) that the Aqara sensor is paired, will be paired to that one. So, if you pair it to the coordinator it will be paired to that one, but if you want to take the sensors farther, then it might be better to get a router. But you can try to pair it with the coordinator in the location that you want to keep it, or closer to it. When I paired them to the coordiantor, I left some of the sensors where they are, I didn’t wanted to remove them, sometimes it took me two tries to pair them, but I was able to do it. Only once I had to get it like two meters closer, then I took it back to the location and it has been working fine.

As I mentioned, I had a lot of troubles keeping them connected when I added them with the integration, but when I “forced them” to link to the coordinator or router everything has been flawsless. Now I have three sensors connected directly to the coordinator, one is like 60 cm away, and the others are like 2 meters. Then, all the other ones that you see in the photo I forced the connection to the CC2531 router. I hope that it will work for you, i know how frustrating this is.

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(After flashing the CC2531 as routers)
can you share what method you used to do this and also any material you bought please


Router firmware:

I had 4x Aqara motion sensors and despite pairing, re-pairing, pairing while standing on my head etc etc I couldn’t get them to actually give any motion alerts. They would pair, then about 6 hours later went offline and never returned.

Pairing with the coordinator as you described has solved this for me and I’m now getting immediate entries on motion etc and happily using them to control lights - so thank you for sharing. I’d tried all sorts and then stumbled across this, and might’ve given up otherwise.

I’m new at HA and Zigbee Zha.
I hooked up an HA green, Fully Kiosk, Fire Tablet etc…

Added the Skyconnect later.

Bought 4 Aqara entry sensors and 1, P1 motion sensor. Motion sensor is and has been rock solid immediately and continues to be.

For whatever reasons, newbie,:person_shrugging:, the first entry sensor was fininky pairing to the coordinator.

Added 3 more and the P1. All went well, all in the coordinator.

Tested distance by sticking one to my bathroom window. Coordinator on south end of a ranch home, sensor in north end bath window. That’s about 60 or 70 feet from the coordinator.

3 stuck to basement windows. 30ish feet. Walls and floor.

All had some unavailable initially, but after settling in have been rock solid for connection.
Thru floors and walls and closets.

I’ve just stumbled on this post amd all but one of the sensors are yellow lines, one red line, bath sensor, furtherest away. Batteries report dropping but is settling…

So, I’ve added a router and will see if they auto switch or if “add with this device” works for me after resetting and removing. The router is an Aeotec zi, supposed to be compatible…:crossed_fingers: Better be, I bought 2, not cheap. I’ll report back if issues arise and if they don’t.:+1: Solid green line from router.

Running light automations from borrowed blueprints with the motion sensor for weeks. Sensors all continue to work fine, but need a better path.

Well, I got impatient waiting to see if the Aqara entry device would auto switch to the Aeotec router.

Removed device from Zha Skyconnect. Held button 5 seconds,:person_shrugging:, added via ad by this device, it is currently hooked to the Aeotec router. I’ll keep an eye on it during my Aqara device testing.

2nd Aeotec router shows up in a few days for the basement devices that aren’t terrible, but I want better, stronger if possible. Two Aeotecs may be sufficient.

Thank you, thank you! This is just what I needed. I was about to toss a couple of Aqara buttons before reading this.