How to aquire Philips Dynalite System Builder software?

I’ve inherited a residential Philips Dynalite installation. After much research I have discovered that I need the System builder software to configure it. There is only a single company where I live with licensed technicians but they charge $180 per hour and I want to be able to configure it myself and adjust it over time to suit my exact requirements. Does anyone know how I can acquire the software myself? I’ve got a lot of technical experience so I have no doubt I can figure out how to use it. I’ve searched the Internet and can’t find any clues on where to download/purchase it.

Here’s the website :

There is a “where to buy” and it takes you to : Find a local partner | Signify Company Website

Hope this helps?

Hello. I am partner and happy to help if you need anything.
Hint: System Builder is free.

Did you find your answer? I’m in the same boat, it is really looks like a rock solid system. Would be a shame to replace.

Please could I ask you to contact me about getting a copy of Dynalite Builder.

Thanks, David

Could anyone help to find this software please

Hi, here the same problem… Would like to add dynalite in home assistant

Hello, Could you let me know how can I get the software, please?

I’m also trying to track down the software. Seems hard to find. I did find a company that said they’d give me a copy if I paid to do a day training session. There must be an easier way to get it though. There’s heaps of free training on YouTube on how to use the software, just no download links.

I hope this message finds you well. Would it be possible for you to kindly contact me with instructions on how to download and use the software? Additionally, I am interested in receiving training on this system and would greatly appreciate any guidance you could provide regarding available options.

Thank you in advance!

There’s a fairly recent version of Philips Dynalite System Builder available for download from the Internet Archive. I’ve been using this version and it’s been working great.

You can read through the official documentation to learn more about how to use the software.