How to assign entity picture, for use with tile card for example

I’m trying to use the show_entity_picture in the tile card, and can’t quite figure out how to make it work. Please correct me if I’m misunderstanding, but it’s a simple way to show a local image instead of the icon in ha-icon, right?

I’m wondering how I assign the actual entity picture, and how I can then test if the assignment “took”, because I’m not seeing it on the card.

I have this in my configuration:

      entity_picture: /local/png/dining_room.png

Turns out I had this ALMOST right, just had to change entity_picture to picture in the configuration. Leaving this for posterity.

Hi Frank,

Looks like I’m attempting to do the same thing and am looking at your code above. This may be a silly question, but is the code you list above added to configuration.yaml, or some other config file? I tried something just the same with an entity within my configuration.yaml, and I couldn’t get it to work

The simplest way - all code is added into configuration.yaml.
And one day this file becomes huge.
A feature called “splitting config” allows you to use many files - even in a tree-like folders structure.
Google in community about splitting.
Or use this.

Thank you, that is a great suggestion and will plan to use “splitting configs”.

For just trying to get the entity picture to work for just one entity, I am still having problems that it isn’t working.

My code is:

picture: /local/Icons/family-room-ceiling-fan.psd

however when doing and turning on show entity picture on the tile, it isn’t changing. Would like to get this to work before I start splitting configs.

First, you posted a code without using a proper formatting.
Next, compare with an example posted above - the “customize” option must be under “homeassistant”.

Sorry I included the code improperly last time. here is the code that I used. it is right under homeassistant. I did use the above code as a reference with the exception of changing entity_picture to picture. even though I do this, when I turn on the ‘Show entity picture’ option in the appearance portion of the tile card, the picture/icon doesn’t change``

      picture: /media/local/family-room-ceiling-fan.png

The attribute’s name is “entity_picture”.