Hello. Help please. For the life of me, I can’t find the correct actions for what I need to do. Here’s the automation that I want to do. When I have been out of my bed for 10 minutes, (1) set the select.sleepnumber_master_foundation_preset_left to “Flat” and (2) set select.sleepnumber_master_firmness (firmness level) to 100.
But I cant figure out what + ADD ACTION item to use for these two. Help please.
To change a select entity, use “Service” and pick: select.select_option
In general, to change something on an entity, service is often the best choice. The services you can use are almost always the ones that start with the same domain name. So for Light, service light.turn_on and light.turn_off are the obvious choices.
Services starting with homeassistant are generic and can be used on multiple domains (but may have less options then specific services). So homeassistant.turn_off can be used with a list of all kinds of things to turn off.