How to Autostart Home Assistant on Orange Pi 3 Lts

Hello Everyone

I have issue for autostarting the home assistant service on startup.
I made all things in the section of autostart “Autostart using systemd - Home Assistant 中文网
My username is “muhammed”, but it gives following errors when checking the status of service.
I am not familiar with creating services, could you help me ?

× [email protected] - Home Assistant
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2023-10-26 18:32:51 +03; 5s ago
    Process: 3900 ExecStart=/srv/homeassistant/bin/hass -c /home/muhammed/.homeassistant (code=exited, status=200/CHDIR)
   Main PID: 3900 (code=exited, status=200/CHDIR)
        CPU: 2ms

Eki 26 18:32:51 orangepi3-lts systemd[3900]: [email protected]: Failed at step CHDIR spawning /srv/homeassistant/bin/hass: No such file or directory
Eki 26 18:32:51 orangepi3-lts systemd[1]: Started Home Assistant.
Eki 26 18:32:51 orangepi3-lts systemd[1]: [email protected]: Main process exited, code=exited, status=200/CHDIR
Eki 26 18:32:51 orangepi3-lts systemd[1]: [email protected]: Failed with result 'exit-code'.