How to avoid log errors due to sensor configuration delay when starting HA

I would like to share part of my template with you and ask you if there is a more practical way to avoid the errors described in the title of this discussion. the code is this:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: Gdrive last backup slug
      value_template: >
       {{ states.sensor.backup_state.state }}
        alias: >
         {% if this.state != 'none' and this.state != 'unknown' and this.state != '' and this.state != 'unavailable'%}
         {{ states.sensor.backup_state.attributes.backups 
         | selectattr('date', 'contains', states.sensor.backup_state.attributes.last_backup) 
         | map(attribute='slug') |join(', ')}}
         {% else %} {{this.state}} {% endif %}
        name: >
         {% if this.state != 'none' and this.state != 'unknown' and this.state != '' and this.state != 'unavailable'%}
          {{ states.sensor.backup_state.attributes.backups 
          | selectattr('slug', 'contains', this.attributes.alias) 
          | map(attribute='name') |join(', ')}}
          {% else %} {{this.state}} {% endif %}
        date: >
         {% if this.state != 'none' and this.state != 'unknown' and this.state != '' and this.state != 'unavailable'%}
          {{ states.sensor.backup_state.attributes.backups 
          | selectattr('slug', 'contains', this.attributes.alias) 
          | map(attribute='date') |join(', ')}}
          {% else %} {{this.state}} {% endif %}
        slug_state: >
         {% if this.state != 'none' and this.state != 'unknown' and this.state != '' and this.state != 'unavailable'%}
          {{ states.sensor.backup_state.attributes.backups 
          | selectattr('slug', 'contains', this.attributes.alias) 
          | map(attribute='state') |join(', ')}}
          {% else %} {{this.state}} {% endif %}

During the startup phase of HA, many sensors are slow to load and this sensor which determines its state by recalling the state of another

value_template: >
       {{ states.sensor.backup_state.state }}

finds itself assuming the same initial values, the ones I tried to avoid when declaring the attributes:

 alias: >
         {% if this.state != 'none' and this.state != 'unknown' and this.state != '' and this.state != 'unavailable'%}
         {{ states.sensor.backup_state.attributes.backups 
         | selectattr('date', 'contains', states.sensor.backup_state.attributes.last_backup) 
         | map(attribute='slug') |join(', ')}}
         {% else %} {{this.state}} {% endif %}

Is there a simpler way or alternative to avoid this waste of “if” blocks?
thanks in advance to anyone who responds.

i found this way, hope can help someone else:

      availability_template: >
        {{ has_value('sensor.backup_state') }}
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