How to backup individual databases?


I’m currently using hte automated snapshot addon that submits the snapshot to my Google Drive.

I’m looking to backup an individual database, specifically the one used by BookStack as I don’t want to lose my data.

I upgraded Home Assistant via HACS a few weeks back and it broke so much stuff. I literally had to uninstall and reinstall MariaDB and everything returned to normal (luckily I didn’t have much in the DB).

Is there an easy way to export/backup databases? MariaDB doesn’t seem to have a front end or Web UI?


I’m in the same spot I think.
Need to back up bookstack and restore in another system. It’s getting big and I need to take it out of homeassitant.

The MariaDB part you can do the backup installing the phpMyadmin addon, and then make a SQL dump from there.
I’m trying to figure out how to back up the files from bookstack. Wich I guess are deep in the HA supervisor container


I use MySQL and for DB backups I have them automated via AutoMYSQLBackUP.
I understand it also works with MariaDB.

Here is a link that will explain it in more detail including the installation and configuration.

These dumps are then backed up off-site.

Hope that helps?

I’ve been backing up my bookstack database via the following:

mysqldump bookstack > bookstack_10_10_21.backup.sql

Then I just use scp to move it somewhere else.

Of course, using a snapshot also seems to work and I’ve used it succesfully when rebuilding HA.

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