I’m trying to have a led blink when a GPIO is set high. (don’t want to see this output in HA frontend)
Currently the led turns on or off, depending on the switch state. I’ve seen / read and tried different ways on some topics, but these where mainly based on pulsing a switch. (which causes logs in HA)
I’ve read the docs Slow PWM Output — ESPHome but it does not work.
I want to have a led blink on the enclosure as a physical indication when the valve is open.
Hi Pepe59,
thx for the quick code update. I see the logic (which I was not able to distill from the esphome site)
this works as I expected. thx! I learned today
Hi @orange-assistant,
sorry for my late response.
As mentioned, the solution from @pepe59 works fine, but for testing and directions, I tested yours anyway.
I have three or four conditions that require different indicators shown by the onboard LED. The Interval blocks solved my problem perfectly. I tried the Pulse effect with different Light platforms, but each time, I got the error about the platform not supporting Pulse. I couldn’t find anywhere in the docs describing which platforms support Pulse, so I gave up on that.