Here’s the scenario: Enter room - motion detected and light comes on.
Exit room - hue motion stops Detecting, light goes off
Enter room again within a minute of the sensor switching from on to off- motion is not registered. How do i get it to start detecting motion and turn light on right away
It’s really weird
when the light shuts off, the motion is set back to clear, if i step in front of motion it will be set to detected and the light won’t turn on but If i let it set back to clear again and then step in front of it again it goes back detected and turns on right away
I have a bunch of hue motion sensors. All connected directly to HA as a zigbee device (i’am using ZHA).
All these devices have a cooldown periode but thats only about 10 seconds.
Not sure if it helps, but i had a similar problem with my Ikea Tradfri motion sensors, but after a recent zigbee2mqtt update I found that it can nowadays be configured in settings:
I just purchased the sonoff zigbee dongle and I’m going to connect it through zigbee2mqtt like you’re saying and see if I can get these setting for it.