Hi Community,
Hope someone can help me. I have created a simple automation for my battery to load when energy prices are low. I used this for that. The configuration sets the time on a helper and I use that helper to trigger the automation.
In the automation I used the entso_lowest_energy_price_today and entso_highest_energy_price_today to check if the price is between a range and if that is true then it triggers.
The problem with this approach is that like today the price is 17.8cents on lowest and 29.3cents on highest so my automation would not trigger but I do want to load the batterij.
How do I calculate the difference between the entso_lowest_energy_price_today and entso_highest_energy_price_today in percentage? Lets say, if the price between highest and lowest is more then 10% then load.
alias: "[AUTOMATION-PRICE] Notify en laad sessy op het goedkoopste moment"
description: ""
- platform: time
at: input_datetime.device_start_time
- condition: and
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.entso_lowest_energy_price_today
below: 0.2
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.entso_highest_energy_price_today
above: 0.35
- condition: or
conditions: []
- device_id: 1de5f9b1fcc07ee3d69bb0a4f1d42da6
domain: select
entity_id: e9d4a0f2ffda06052db2b6db0ab64125
type: select_option
option: api
- device_id: 1de5f9b1fcc07ee3d69bb0a4f1d42da6
domain: number
entity_id: 4cc39646960bc0825a2fa8abe2bf06c4
type: set_value
value: -1900
- service: notify.whatsapp
message: >-
HA meldt: Energie is nu de aankomende 3 uur het goedkoopst. De prijs van
gas is tot 06:00 {{ states('sensor.zonneplan_current_gas_tariff') }}
EUR/m³ en de kWh prijs is nu {{
states('sensor.zonneplan_current_electricity_tariff') }} Tip! {{
states('sensor.zonneplan_status_tip') }} Sessy gaat nu laden.
mode: single