I want to wake my PC from lan. Previously I just did it with wol-packet from my router. However after I bought synology, I start using my eth interface as direct link with nas (because my router cut the speed) and wifi connection as PC lan interface. So now I can’t send WoL packet from router.
I tried to configure PC to work with wireless WoL packets but no luck.
So, I configured task in synology DSM 7 that make my PC turn on. I want to go futher and create a script in HA that will trigger synology task and wake my PC so I could easily do it from my phone.
Is there any way to do so? I looked into Synology DSM - Home Assistant integration, but apparantly it have no such functionality as “triggering tasks”.
Why don’t you just use Wake-on-Lan in Home Assistant and skip Synology here?
As I early mentioned, for now my PC konnected to lan via wifi and I can’t make wireless wol to work here. PC also connected through twisted-pair wire to synology wich makes it to be able send wol-packets.
So this integration will not work unless someone says me how to route wol-packet to PC through synology from different net.
For now I solve problem by calling wol-packet from synology via ssh command from HA, but it’s clumsy, I placed a key for root access to my NAS at HA and I don’t like it.