How to call xiaomi_clean_segment service for Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum v1?

My goal is for the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum v1 (rockrobo.vacuum.v1) Model SDJQR02RR to clean a specific room.

I am trying to call the xiaomi_miio.vacuum_clean_segment service
to clean the segment and choose a room by the sorting method.

At the moment my configuration looks like this:

 service: xiaomi_miio.vacuum_clean_segment
   segments: 20
   entity_id: vacuum.archik

I went through the room numbers from 16 to 30 but nothing happens. Please tell me what to do?

The vacuum.send_command doesn’t work for me either

I’ve had success here like this:

service: xiaomi_miio.vacuum_clean_segment
    - 16
    - 17
    - 18
    - 19
    - 20
    - 21
    - 22
    - 23
    - 24
  entity_id: vacuum.roborock_vacuum_a15
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