How to Capture Attributes

So I have a flow when any action occurs on garage door, to set Alexa Media Player Volume to 0.8 and then make Announcement on ALL Alexas…works great.

BUT if say one of the Alexas is currently playing music at say, volume 0.4, the above flow now forces that volume to 0.8 once the Alexa returns to playing music.

What I would like to do is properly capture the volume of any Alexa that is “playing” prior to setting the volume and making the announcement, then be able to return that volume to those Alexas.

Finally to my question, what is the proper way to capture the volume attribute so it can be used to Set_Volume again at the end of the flow?

I’ll just link to my answer in your other thread:

Another suggestion, I didn’t try it with media players but creating a scene on the fly and applying the scene later works very good with lights in these scenarios.
in your case you need to create a temporary scene before the announcement, increase volume, do your stuff and re-apply the scene you created finally. it will theoretically bring back the media players previous state.

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Thank you, great idea. I just tried it out, and it works very well :slight_smile: