Hi i am playing with a docker image that publishes an alarm control panel with mqtt autodiscovery
so when i start HA, and afterwards the docker, it creates automaticy an entity, in my case an alarm_control_panel
but how to change the attributes, so its really static forever?
in example screenshow below, the arm_code_required = true, i want it to make it false forever?
if i change it there, after a reboot, the config is lost
I’m not sure that’s the right thing to do. Your integration should take care of that.
Namely, arm_code_required is not a const - it changes and when it’s true (for example, the alarm is set), Lovelace displays a keypad, but when you disarm, keypad disappears because arm_code_required changes to false. Well, that’s how I treat it
yeah, i know what the attribute does, i dont want the keypad
now i created a manually alarm_control_panel with the right topics
but, when i restart tha docker, because autodiscovery is on, it creates a second alarm control panel
i dont need that, actually i just want to change attribiues of an auto discovered entity
Yeah, lots of things including friendly_name. You can override any attribute in the customize section. It does get wonky with some things, but it should always work.
It says nothing about overriding attributes in the docs - how do you know about it?
Just yesterday I saw this and it apparently works - again, never saw that before… perhaps because I’m not a huge customiser anyway