I’m running Frigate with great success in my HA supervised environment on a UnRaid VM incl. Google Coral.
But I’d like to store the Frigate clips in a different location and not in my VM. I’ve successfully configured my UnRaid NAS within HA via shell_command and cifs mount. The share is read and writable and I can see the mounted network paths in the HA media browser.
When I change the location of the frigate.db in the frigate.yml to my mounted SMB share like
path: /media/kamera/frigate.db
Frigate creates and writes the database to the SMB share. So far so good …
But how can I configure the clips path of Frigate from the default /media/frigate/clips to another path like /media/kamera ?
You can still have the seemless integration into the HA front end using the frigate custom component and frigate running on a docker instance elsewhere.
You just need to set the url to the external address. Docs
All on unraid I use frigate in a docker, HA in a VM and I have the frigate images and videos being used in notifications from generic blueprints from the community.
You’re right. I did the same move. Frigate runs now as a container directly in UnRaid. Not only, that I have now sufficient space for the clips, Frigate also runs a lot smoother with less CPU usage and my Google Coral is recognized every time I restart the container. The passthrough of the Coral to the VM was always wonky.