How to change clips path in Frigate addon?

Hi all,

I’m running Frigate with great success in my HA supervised environment on a UnRaid VM incl. Google Coral.

But I’d like to store the Frigate clips in a different location and not in my VM. I’ve successfully configured my UnRaid NAS within HA via shell_command and cifs mount. The share is read and writable and I can see the mounted network paths in the HA media browser.

When I change the location of the frigate.db in the frigate.yml to my mounted SMB share like

  path: /media/kamera/frigate.db

Frigate creates and writes the database to the SMB share. So far so good …

But how can I configure the clips path of Frigate from the default /media/frigate/clips to another path like /media/kamera ?

There is no setting for it in the Frigate HA addon and I’ve tried the enviroment_vars described in with no success.

I also tried to mount the default /media/frigate as a SMB share, but it doesn’t work either.

Any suggestions?

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Have you considered running frigate as a docker container on unraid instead. There is a plug-in for the coral drivers for unraid.

This is how I run it and it works great.

Yes I know, but I like the seamless integration into the HA frontend.

You can still have the seemless integration into the HA front end using the frigate custom component and frigate running on a docker instance elsewhere.

You just need to set the url to the external address.

All on unraid I use frigate in a docker, HA in a VM and I have the frigate images and videos being used in notifications from generic blueprints from the community.

Seems like there are others making the similar move.

You’re right. I did the same move. Frigate runs now as a container directly in UnRaid. Not only, that I have now sufficient space for the clips, Frigate also runs a lot smoother with less CPU usage and my Google Coral is recognized every time I restart the container. The passthrough of the Coral to the VM was always wonky.

Thank you!

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Is there an other way to do this?

I mounted my nas in www/media/MYNASFOLDER
When i open in HASS media i see Local and Frigate, when i press local i see my mounted Nas drive.

I’m running this setup trough a VM supervised.

I checked a lot of forums for some information, but lmost all point to docker, i have portainer aswell, don’t know if i can setup something in there ?

Hi all,

This is my first message in this forum (and my english can be improved a lot, sorry for that).

If you connect via Terminal, you can go to your media folder and type

mv frigate frigateOLD

With this we “save” a backup

Then in mounted HD ( in my case /media/usb-drive/) and type:

mkdir frigate

We create the frigate folder

And finally go to /media/ and type:

ln -s /media/usb-drive/frigate frigate

REMEMBER, thats my path, not yours… adapt it. With this we create a simlink called frigate to the folder into the mounted drive.

It works for me, hopefully for you too.
Again, sorry for my bad english.

Will it work after restart?
are you running hass os?

not working url.(