Hey all, I just added Zwave using a Nortek stick and the OpenZwave integration, and started moving devices over from Smartthings. I’m noticing that on my Zooz switches, my device options are defaulting to a different state than they were previously set to (not totally unexpected).
However, I don’t see any way to change those device specific options (specifically, enabling scene control) within openzwave, and the HA documentation wasn’t much help.
Can anyone give me a lead as to how to to about this?
Go to Developer Tools / Services / ozw.set_config_parameter. I recommend watching how this goes by subscribing to the OpenZWave MQTT topic or looking at the OZW current log.
Use one of the OpenZWave admin clients. I used the Windows client to successfully connect remotely (port 1983) to my OZW container instance and make config changes.
Edit: MQTT topic, for example: mosquitto_sub -d -t 'OpenZWave/+/node/+/instance/+/commandclass/+/value/#'