I’m using a DHT22 temp/hum sensor and sending data over mqtt from ESP8266. Data looks good and is displaying temp in degrees °F correctly to the Lovelace UI. But the label on the History graph shows °C.
My configuration.yaml:
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: indoorTemp
name: "Indoor Temperature"
unit_of_measurement: '°F'
value_template: "{{ value_json.temperature }}"
My customize.yaml:
friendly_name: Indoor Temperature
device_class: temperature
unit_of_measurement: °F
value_template: "{{ value_json.temperature }}"
My ui-lovelace.yaml:
- type: history-graph
- entity: sensor.indoor_temperature
unit_of_measurement: °F
name: Indoor Temperature
I’ve tried using quotes in unit _of_measurement, etc., but nothing seems to change the label from °C to °F.
Any help would be appreciated.