How to change hostname from Hassio.local?


Is it possible to change the hassio.local hostname to be something else if so how?

I have two Raspberry Pi’s with Hassio installed I want to have two separate hostnames for example:



I may be remembering incorrectly but I believe you can do this (possibly) via the hassio config tool when connected via ssh?


Where is the hassio config file that contains the host name?

I am assuming using SSH 22222


If you want to do it old but neat way, you’ll need to set up DNS and DHCP servers in your local network. Both are available as hassio addons (and they’re running at my home this way). DHCP and DNS details are far beyond this forum, but in case you don’t know, what are they, I’ll try to briefly introduce them.
DNS is responsible for translating domain names to IP addresses. DHCP is responsible for assigning IPs to hosts and telling them, where DNS server is and how to get out of local network to internet. In common case there is no point in more than one DHCP server in one network, so you’ll need to disable one already running in your network.

It’s the hard way, but IMHO definitely worth learning. If you want to follow that path, I can write more details and post example configs.



Thanks for the response,

My router is a DHCP server at present which I kinda want to leave alone. I have reserved 2 x IP addresses that I want static for the two Raspberry Pi3’s which are running Hassio each example and

How do I specify a hostname on each Pi3 so that in my router they show up as HA1 - and HA2 for example, they both show up as the static IP only that I set in the resin-sample files on each Hassio instance?

Re: DNS:

At present my external default gateway and primary and secondary DNS is IP address provided by my provider as I am on DHCP with them and cannot change.

Internally my default gateway is my internal router IP for example and my primary DNS is my internal router IP, my internal secondary DNS is free?

I noticed that when I first installed Hassio on one Pi3, that Hassio.local resolved to it’s IP address that was when I did not have a static IP in resin-sample but Hassio.local is not resolve anymore? guess it is to do with DNS?

What do you suggest to get up and running with DNS names to resolve to the static IP’s?


Of course you can leave IP assignment as it is and only take care of DNS. I’d suggest installing DNS on one of, and then configure it as primary DNS in existing DHCP. Then in DNS configuration you can forward unknown addresses to,, or any server you like. And then you can assign names to all your hosts.

By the way, what I like in DHCP on is assignment of constant IPs for particular MACs, so in one place I bound IPs to MACs, and right next to it I bound hostnames to IPs.


Hi…thanks for this info very useful

Good luck! (-:

Can you share your code

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I am still wondering if it is possible to change to hostname by editing some configuration file in the resin-boot folder on the SD card. Has anyone figured out how to?

I think I found it:

Both Prod and Dev variants will also allow the setting of a custom hostname via the config.json, just add "hostname": "my-new-hostname". Your device will then broadcast (via Avahi) on the network as my-new-hostname.local.


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Via SSH i did this:

hassio host options --hostname


If you are on, you can do that from the GUI.
Go to -> System -> Change Hostname button.


Hi, I am trying to create bedroom.home dns entry for visitor, kids, etc. that re staying over and expose entities in that bedroom. I have installed pihole for dns and dhcp and nginx for reverse proxy. DHCP works and I am reserving addresses and assign them through pihole. DNS works but I can’t get to HA port 8123 and tried many ways bit no cigar. I get an nginx error that server is not defined. I also created a home domain using pinhole. Any help would be appreciated