How to change name, domain and PORT of HA?

I have HA supervised working in a virtual machine, with it’s own mac and locak network IP configured by DHCP using the local router.

But I don’t like the .local domain and the default name or the PORT (don’t want to remember ports).

I can set the name assigned in the router, but yet it works, there are some drawback: messages or advices from HA telling you how to configure several things or continue using http://homeassistant.local

I want to change ports too, to 80 and 443.

I know how to do it in docker-compose when I run a docerk imagen in docker container, but docker is running inside HA OS and don’t know how to change that.

Thanks for your time and help.


Thanks, will try that.

Well, http options in configuration.yaml let you change the port (server_port) and the ip, but did not see how to change the name or domain. The server_host seems more oriented to stablish the IP.

It does not provide a way to stablish an ssl port either.

I don’t know how to configure what I was asking using http .

Its the same port

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