HOW TO: Change Node Red Themes with Home Assistant OS

I thought I would put this up to assist others, after countless hours of searching I could not find a definitive guide.

The finally stumbled across this post by D4vy. I have modified his instructions to suit 2024 rather than 2021.


  1. Open NodeRED, Click Hamburger Button (Top Right) on NodeRED
  2. Select Manage Pallette
  3. Select Install Tab
  4. Search for ‘theme’ and select @node-red-contrib-themes/theme-collection
  5. Click install button.


  1. Go to Home Assistant Settings
  2. Go to Add-ons
  3. In the list of installed Add-ons, select NodeRED
  4. Go to the Configuration tab
  5. Change the value of the theme to monokai
  6. Click SAVE (it will prompt you to restart the add-on)
    (there is a SAVE for Options and another for Network on the Configuration page.)
  7. Confirm to restart the NodeRED add-on
  8. Enjoy the theme :slight_smile:
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You can skip the “INSTALL THEME” section for the Node-RED add-on. The theme package comes pre-installed in the add-on.

You have a small typo there; it’s monokai. :wink:

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Will fix thanks mate. I thought I may have installed the themes at some point in the past. Good to know.
NodeRED need to update their documentation and then theme package should probably state this too. Sent me around in circles for quite some time.