How to change options of an entity from Node-RED

Hi all,

i am new to Node-RED - so please excuse my possibly stupid question…

I try to find a way to set the operation-modes of my gas-heating from a Node-RED-Flow.

Mein Weishaupt-heating is integrated in HA using a HACS/GitHub custom-component which provides me with dropdown-menus and sliders in the HA Dashboard.

Lets pick the entity called HKZ0_Betriebsart as our example:

In HA i can easily use the dropdown-menu to switch the Heating-operation-mode to “Komfort” or to “Sommer”.

But how can i set/trigger this from a Node-RED-flow ??
Which Node and which configuration inside do i need ?
I would prefer to ingest a msg-payload like “Komfort” and expect that the HA-entity gets this value and sends it then to the heating.

Here is more detail regarding the specific entity:

Many thanks in advance and all the best :wink:


You need to use the “call service” node in Node Red. If you get it working with the Services tab (dienste - German?) in HA’s Developer Tools, you can then click “Go to YAML mode” to see the code that is required. For this to work in Node Red, you would then have to manually convert to YAML to JSON. The service you want is probably “select.select_option”, but it depends on the domain of the entity.

Hey Michael,

many many thanks for bringing me onto the right track :slight_smile:

Fortunately for me, it was not necessary to write/modify YAML-code to JSON :wink:

I just needed to sleect the right domain for my entity to trigger the select

Here we go: