How to change widgets for switch from toggle to "On" or "Off"

I have this card which displays checkbox for entities.
heating is of type binary_sensor
The remaining three are type switch
Is there another way to display the switch widget as “On” or “Off” rather than the toggle widgets?
I really do not want to edit the types for switches to sensors because they are mutable so I need to be able to write. Also switches are used all over my automation so refactoring would be a nightmare. Finally, the presentation of entity widgets should not IMHO affect the design (as in I should not need to alter the design in order to present a different widget - that is the remit of the front-end).

Why does the mdi:checkbox-marked-circle icons (on the left of entity name) not change from solid blue infill to clear infill when the entity state is off ?
**EDIT: ** user error - forgot to set "color icons on state value" on the card config.
