Hello. My HASSIO HA shows that about 6GB of my disk is full. But when I ssh as root to Raspberry and issue command du -d 1 -h
, I see this:
0 ./sys
96.0K ./media
0 ./dev
4.7M ./lib
158.8M ./usr
4.0K ./mnt
4.0K ./home
224.0K ./run
16.0K ./tmp
0 ./proc
4.0K ./srv
80.0K ./var
7.7M ./bin
16.0K ./root
4.0K ./opt
80.0K ./sbin
2.1M ./etc
4.0K ./addons
483.2M ./backup
4.0K ./share
4.0K ./ssl
56.0K ./data
683.3M ./config
112.0K ./libexec
1.3G .
Total? 1,3GB. How can I see remaining files that take 4,5GB? It is most probably InfluxDB, but I would like to be able to do proper directory usage analysis. Best would be access to all files and command ncdu.