Am running 2021.2.2 HassOS on a rpi3b and am noticing my memory usage is getting up to around 75% these days and seems to be slowing things down considerably. Is there any way to check exactly what is causing high memory usage? Or is it time to scrap the rpi3b and move to a 4b or something else?
Thanks @tom_l, appreciated. Whats the best way to make sense of the file? I ran profiler.memory and I get a ton of line items with numbers at the start, guessing the higher the numbers the more memory it is consuming? Here is an extract of what the file is reporting:
.loader: _load_stat
.format: SetFormat
.timemade: 1613014487.531922
.count: 29057
.size: 1560853
.kindheader: Referrers by Kind (class / dict of class)
.numrows: 364
.r: 14 366846 dict of aiohttp.web_response.Response
.r: 4963 297780 custom_components.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor.map_data_parser.Point
.r: 5493 157557 list
.r: 9927 139524 dict of custom_components.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor.map_data_parser.Point
.r: 2552 131130 dict (no owner)
.r: 406 37680 function
.r: 308 31918
.r: 84 28896 sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState
.r: 231 24140 dict of netdisco.ssdp.UPNPEntry
.r: 825 23629 tuple
.r: 2 23401 dict of
.r: 2 21530 dict of custom_components.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor.map_data_parser.Path
.r: 291 16704 dict of sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState
.r: 41 14104 homeassistant.components.recorder.models.States
.r: 165 12488 homeassistant.core.State
.r: 121 11230 dict of homeassistant.components.recorder.models.States
.r: 206 9822 dict of zeroconf.DNSText
.r: 254 9229 dict of zeroconf.DNSService
.r: 44 8244 types.MappingProxyType
.r: 41 8036 homeassistant.components.recorder.models.Events
.r: 19 7208 types.CoroutineType
.r: 42 7050 dict of httpx.Response