June 29, 2021, 7:27pm
Hello again,
I can turn on/off my led with relay with your help in this post:
I am a very beginner in HomeAssistant and I just would like to turn on/off some lights from my smartphone…
I have installed:
HA in a raspberry pi 4
on modbus serial port module
16 relays card
From HA terminal, if send [echo -ne “AT+T5” > /dev/ttyUSB0] my relay toggles [OK]
How to control this from a card in the overview?
I have to create a entity and services in configuration.yaml or use some python script or other?
I read many web pages and I found only this:
in file /conf/confi…
Today I want to read temperature and I need some help again.
I have this:
433MHz Wireless Weather Station with Forecast Temperature Digital Thermometer Hygrometer Humidity Sensor
E90-DTU-433L30E Ethernet LoRa Long Range 433MHz 1W IoT uhf Wireless Transceiver rf Module 433 MHz Transmitter and Receiver
I use the ebyte configuration tool and I have this:
192.168.1. 33 E90-DTU home assistant
I can ping the data transmiter from HA
To configure HA, I found this page:
RFLink - Home Assistant
and I add this in configuration.yaml file:
port: 8886
tcp_keepalive_idle_timer: 600
I don’t know how to use HA but I look in DevelopersTools->States->Entity and I don’t see anything looks like my transmitter…
Can I have some communication between these hardwares?
Do you know some useful link about configuration and tutorial for HA for what I want to do?
June 30, 2021, 9:25am
or maybe this page because my HA talk throw Ethernet
TCP - Home Assistant (
I will try this command on a linux terminal and maybe I can see something
nc -l -p 8887
I will check with wireshark too
(Chris B)
June 30, 2021, 9:49am
You might not have read the rflink doc thoroughly.
See the note regarding “Adding devices Automatically”
June 30, 2021, 10:02am
This evening I will try this in configuration.yaml
host: # transmitter ip
port: 8886 # tramsmitter port
platform: rflink
automatic_add: true
default: error
rflink: debug
homeassistant.components.rflink: debug
June 30, 2021, 5:14pm
The RFLink integration only talks with an RFLink gateway. I don’t think you can connect that device using RFLink integration.
I’m not sure if it is the same device, but it could be that it uses a Modbus protocol:
If so, you can try using Modbus integration to see what you can get:
1 Like
July 2, 2021, 12:48pm
I think same you that RFLink is not the answer.
When I see the array above, I understand that my model doesnt support Modbus (433L30E)
For the side Ethernet, I see nothing with the netcat command but I see le link led is yellow and on. So if I believe the text under, it is connecting well.
I think the big problem is that the no communication between the weather station and the E90-DTU…
I will try to play with the software in datasheet: TCP/UDP network debugging assistant.
July 2, 2021, 1:52pm
It looks like that weather station works fine with RFLink. What they use between weather station and raspberry pi??
(Chris B)
July 2, 2021, 2:08pm
Probably some original sin, here.
E90-DTU-433L30E is a Lora transceiver, which happens to use the 433MHz frequency. It’s not an RFLink gateway, afaict.
I don’t see any reason to believe that the ED90 and the weather station can communicate.
An RFLink gateway is used here.
You can DIY (there is a lot of info from internet):
There is also people that sells the gateway assembled:
Arduino Mega and an RF receiver, this is the boad supported by RFlink
If your device is a digoo dg r8s Alternatively you may use :
an RTL 433 SDR module + the RTL 433 library see here
an ESP32 with Openmqttgateway + a cc1101 with RTL 433
an RF receiver connected to the PI with Pilight library 0.16.2
a Sonoff RF bridge with a direct hack and Openmqttgateway with Pilight 0.16.2
an esp32 with Openmqttgateway and Pilight 0.16.2 + an RF receiver
Note that 0.17 of Pilight had a regression and does not work with your device
As a general option for temperature measurement people are more and more considering BLE devices like the LYWSD03MMC .
July 5, 2021, 8:08am
Like a noob, I thought to choose the same frequency both side was enough.
and just need to choose the same protocol after…
The seller of the E90-DTU(433L30E) answer me that I can use Lora Module SMD SX1278 433MHz Wireless. I don’ need long distance and this solution seems more expensif.
The seller of the “weather station” did not answer me yet… But if I can know more about it, I want to use this solution. I gonna dig this way.
Thanks for your help and I hope this thread can help someone else