How to config light discovery?

I try do configure autodiscovery of my LCN devices.
When I send the following message to MQTT it doesn’t work.
I mean I could see light switch on UI and could set it on/of but I see no messages on command topic.

topic: homeassistant/light/parents_bedroom_main/config

{"name":"Sypialnia rodziców","command_topic":"home/domiq/parents_bedroom_main/command","state_topic":"home/domiq/parents_bedroom_main/state","availability_topic":"home/domiq/parents_bedroom_main/available","unique_id":"LCN.output.0.120.1"}

When I configure the same topics manually in configuration.yaml - everything works OK. There are messages on command topic.

What’s wrong with this config ?


I just tried sending your configuration message to my test installation, and it seems to work fine. This is the message I see when I press the switch on the HA gui

Jan 04 08:56:01 home/domiq/parents_bedroom_main/command ON

Thanks. I found the problem. There was problem with entity_id - HA was reporting it as existing before. I removed this entity from file. And now it is OK.


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Hello Wojtek,
It seems that you have a working integration between HA and LCN/Domiq.
I’d like to connect my LCN/Domiq to HA too, but I don’t even know how to start. Do you have any step by step manual how to do this ?
