How to Configure GE Enbrighten Duo Scene Remote (Jasco)

I’ve been using z-wave for some time now with no problems. I’m using GE enbrighten z-wave plus products. I want to add one remote control to simply turn on and off one light.

I purchased the enbrighten Duo Scene Remote (model 34174/ZW5305). The included instructions don’t seem to apply to Home Assistant.

I’ve tried to use the “add-node” and “heal” from the z-wave configuration screen. After reviewing the log, it doesn’t look like the node was added. Last log message: “Info, WriteNextMsg Controller nothing to do”

Does anyone have experience with the remote? Guidance on how to proceed?

I also have recently acquired this remote and can’t get it to pair correctly either. Though I can see the device become awake in the device history when buttons are pressed, It only provides a battery sensor.

Did anyone ever get this remote to work? I have 2 of the quad scene remotes and want to make them control lights and such, but also I only see the battery sensor.

This remote is not designed to work with a hub in any fashion. its a secondary controller… aka trash device. It uses the zwave spec for associations to directly command devices to act, won’t go through a hub. Strap some fireworks to it and give it a last hurrah.

UGH. I think you’re right. In the manual it says “copies the network and device information from your hub/primary controller to the scene remote making it a secondary controller” which makes it useless to me.

Thanks for this! I will now package it up and do a return, since I’m not planning to pay for two of these pieces of trash.

If amazon, do a need more help chat. You can probably return the other as well even if you don’t have the packaging. just explain that and they likely will still take it back. It goes in a mass box to be sold off to some sucker buying the mass box on bet they’ll get some decent stuff to make money off of.