I’m new to Home Assistant and I’m trying to figure out how to add generic RF transmitter to control RF outlets.
I have 433 Mhz tx module which is connected to gpio 17 and power outlet. I can control the outlet with rpi-rf python module on Raspbian, but I cannot figure out how to do the same on Home Assistant.
I added switch with rpi_rf platform, saved and verified the configuration and restarted the system, but nothing seems to happen. I cannot see any change in dashboard or anything else.
I’m sure this is a basic thing, but as a new user I’m not able to figure this out. Any help is appreciated.
Nevermind. It started working now. I guess restarting the server wasn’t enough and needed full power cycle. Anyway, now it shows in the dashboard with the same rpi_rf configuration I already tried and it controls the outlet.
I read from another thread that I would need to change my Home Assistant to something called Home Assistant Supervised and install there the same rpi-rf python module I have on Raspbian. However this was not necessary. I have only the Home Assistant with its own OS and rpi_rf is working fine without any extra installs.
It still doesn’t show up in devices list though. Also it won’t show up when creating automations. At least I can now control it from dashboard.
I am still struggling with getting this working. Like you first post I have no problems with rpi_rf on rasbian (buster). Both for transmit and receive so I am sure it is not a hardware problem. When I move to my RPI4 with HA OS I cannot get the transmission to take place (via a switch entity on lovelace).
Is there anything else you can suggest ? I have followed the documentation example e.g.