How to configure Home Assistant correctly with external URL?

Hi, I’m trying to make my HA instance available from outside of my network. Following multiple guides, my current configuration looks like the following:

System: Home Assistant OS (14.1), running Home Assistant 2025.1.2
Installed (relevant) add-ons: Duck DNS, NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy

Duck DNS config:

  - <subdomain>
token: <token>
aliases: []
  accept_terms: true
  algo: secp384r1
  certfile: fullchain.pem
  keyfile: privkey.pem
seconds: 300

NGINX config:

domain: <subdomain>
hsts: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
cloudflare: false
  active: false
  default: nginx_proxy_default*.conf
  servers: nginx_proxy/*.conf
real_ip_from: []

Exposed port: 443


  use_x_forwarded_for: true

Port forwarding on router:

From what I understood, this should suffice to make my instance accessible. However, accessing https://<subdomain> only yields (after a long time of loading) “This site can’t be reached: <subdomain> took too long to respond.”

Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router shows that port 443 is open. Can anyone explain to me what I’m doing wrong?

Although I don’t use NGINX, I don’t see a path in NGINX that gets you from (outside)443->(inside)443->NGINX->HA-port (8123).
Maybe this particular HA Community NGINX guide will help. Although it is old, the last user post Sept 2024 says its still works, but you can look at his delta config too. It shows that NGINX is listening on 443, and that it is forwarding to an address (local loopback) and port 8123.

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Thank you for the hint! Unfortunately, the guide did not really help, since the add-on does not allow to take complete control of the configuration. But your comment promted me to look at the nginx config of the add-on and realize that I had to set the port to 8123 instead of 443 in the settings. Now, at least the HA icon appear when visiting Unfortunately, the other assets are all timing out and the nginx logs show the following:

2025/01/17 11:42:44 [error] 128#128: *6 upstream timed out (110: Operation timed out) while reading upstream, client: XXX, server: <subdomain>, request: "GET /static/images/ohf-badge.svg HTTP/2.0", upstream: "", host: "<subdomain>", referrer: "https://<subdomain>"
2025/01/17 11:42:44 [error] 128#128: *6 upstream timed out (110: Operation timed out) while reading upstream, client: XXX, server: <subdomain>, request: "GET /hacsfiles/iconset.js HTTP/2.0", upstream: "", host: "<subdomain>", referrer: "https://<subdomain>"
2025/01/17 13:19:45 [error] 128#128: *22 upstream timed out (110: Operation timed out) while reading upstream, client: XXX, server: <subdomain>, request: "GET /static/images/ohf-badge.svg HTTP/2.0", upstream: "", host: "<subdomain>", referrer: "https://<subdomain>"

I already extended my trusted_proxies section as follows:


but that does not seem to help. Any ideas how to fix this?

Do you have the CNAME and A records setup with you domain registrar? Are you able to ping your domain?

I don’t have any such records, I only have the DuckDNS account. I am under the impression that this should suffice.

I cannot ping the DuckDNS subdomain. Also, what I said earlier about setting the port to 8123 seems to have been a fluke: the add-on automatically resetted it to 443 and when I try to set it to 8123, it says “Failed to start add-on: Port ‘8123’ is already in use by something else on the host.”. I also don’t see the home assistant icon anymore when trying to access the page.

I’m assuming you setup the sub-domain through the duckdns website, as iirc the duckdns add-on just keeps your DNS records up to date in case you public IP address changes. Setting it up through duckdns’ site ties your sub-domain to your public IP (by setting up CNAME and A records).

You said you cannot ping your sub-domain, but can you ping your public ip and port? you could try accessing by just the ip address, i.e

Where is your public ip address (not That may help identify if the issue is with DNS seeptting or home assistant web options.

I also see you added and to your trusted proxy, but in your router config, you shows home assistant with an address in the range. Which range is your network using?

I’m assuming you setup the sub-domain through the duckdns website

Yes, I did.

can you ping your public ip and port?

No, same behaviour as accessing via subdomain: “Took too long to respond”

I also see you added and to your trusted proxy, but in your router config, you shows home assistant with an address in the range. should be added according to the NGINX docs (addons/nginx_proxy/ at 09b61a1423e46d5be75804f8c26a7fb1d67601a8 · home-assistant/addons · GitHub), while was mentioned in the error logs I posted above, so I thought it may help to add that as well. I also tried adding, but to no avail.

Which range is your network using?

What do you mean by that? The internal IP is visible in the screenshots. Should I add anything else to the trusted proxies?