Hello all, can anyone help me to understand how to configure the lumi.curtain.agl001.
Actually, I have a zha network using a Sonoff dongle. The device is recognized, but I cannot set the working range.
When I try to move the curtain, it moves for just few centimeters.
Note that the reason for this is that official Zigbee specification guidelines are very flexible and it allows for custom non-standard functionalities (those are often added by the product firmware developer as manufacturer-specific clusters and attributes) and those will not be supported and exposed by default in all Zigbee gateway applications out-of-the-box, so the developers of the Zigbee gateway applications therefor first need to add custom Device Handlers (sometimes referred to as custom converters, translators, or interpreters) for each new feature and function for that specific device if they have previously not been exposed in the Zigbee gateway application implementation. This means that basic devices with standard features and functions will normally fully work out-of-the-box in all third-party Zigbee gateway applications, but any custom non-standard functionalities that a manufacturers add to make a device feature unique functions will need custom code to fully work.
PS: Understand that there is always a but, for more advanced features that have not previously been exposed in the ZHA integration then also the device type code of the zha component inside the Home Assistant core needs to be extended with custom functions as well in addition to also adding a ZHA Device Handler (a.k.a. zha quirk) for that specific device. If you are a Python developer see → https://github.com/home-assistant/core/tree/dev/homeassistant/components/zha