How to configure NUT?

tried this, but it didn’t work, any more tips? thank you

Don’t feel too bad. Using that add-on hostname worked for me for a few weeks/months, then it stopped working again. It was so frustrating, I de-installed it and took it off my dashboard. :frowning:

Adding NUT integration worked fine, but most sensors are “disabled by integration”. Any thoughts on why this is so?

Status and charge are the only ones that seem to be working…

Hi @jlhcmx and @FredTheFrog,

I just setup this up for the first time, I was having the same issue with the integration.

I got it working by using a0d7b954-nut as the host.
Note that it’s with a dash (-) not an underscore (_).

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Thank you for that, @jfael! I re-checked my logs this morning, and it’s saying the USB port isn’t connected. I suspect some furry four-legged creature (dog, cat) was rambling through my office and disconnected the USB cable. Completely unintended, of course! :rofl:

Thanks this worked for me also using the a0d7b954-nut vs localhost

Please help me guys. I just successfully added this integration, and I can read my network connected APC UPS readings perfectly.

Now, how do I make my host turn off if battery is under certain level?

Create an automation with a trigger of something like:

platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.ups_battery_charge
below: 5

Then have an action like:

service: hassio.host_shutdown

simple and elegant :slight_smile:

much appreciated!!

Hi, Could you please give a hint on how to set battery.voltage.high for blazer_usb device?

Nope. No idea how to do that. Sorry.

I will replace hocalhost with a0d7b954-nut. What username and password should be chosen for the local server NUT? (local with homeassistant)

Just create your own in the add-on config page. You then use those credentials for the Integration.

Thank you for answer, Dave!
But there is not description how create configuration in Network UPS Tools (NUT) - Home Assistant :frowning:
I’ll be very thankful for link to documentation where is such description.


Go to Settings / Add-Ons / Network UPS Tools / Configuration

Scroll down to the Options / users section.
Populate the fields password: and username:

- actions: []
    - all
  password: my_super_secret_pw
  username: fred

For @FredTheFrog . Thank to you I realized that the addon was not installed :blush:

For everyone who has a problem. I propose read the documentation attentively. :slight_smile:
It even says what to replace the localhost with.

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I seem to have the exact same issue – did you ever figure out what the issue was?

To anyone else, could this a limitation of what the actual UPS is configured to provide (i.e. hardware limitation on my end) or is there something wrong with how I’ve configured it?

The way my setup works is that my NAS runs the NUT and is plugged into my UPS. The NUT integration from HA is connecting not to the localhost, but to the IP of my NAS.

The integration shows 21 possible entities, of which only 6 are available, all the others are shown as disabled by the integration.

@j3tang i am exactly same set up. A solid 6 sensors supplied out of 24. I just assumed that was my lot for getting a cheap UPS!:innocent:

Have you tried enabling the entities manually? I had a handful out of 28 enabled by default and I just selected the disabled entities and enabled them.


@iamjosh Thank you for the suggestion. I just assumed they were not available! Indeed, once I enabled each one by one, they have all appeared! Solved for me!

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