How to configure preferred Thread network

Which they promissed for November 15 :confused: :angry:


I resolved the change of channel at 25 for an integration of myhome1563195xyz 5 border routers


NUC Generic x86-64

HA →

  • Core2024.1.3
  • Supervisor2023.12.0
  • Operating System11.4

Silicon Labs Multiprotocol
Current version: 2.4.2. ------ ATTENTION version is very important after 2.4.2. Zigbee2MQTT no work

Initial 15 for Zigbee2MQTT and home-assistant 15 Thread

change setting in Zigbee2MQTT in web interface Parameter → Advance → ZigBee channel (15) to → 25

Attention all device Zigbee is delete you restart ad all device

Restart HA

Ad device in Zigbee2MQTT in canal 25

edit config in file homeassistant_hardware.silabs at /config/.storage/homeassistant_hardware.silabs

“version”: 1,
“minor_version”: 1,
“key”: “homeassistant_hardware.silabs”,
“data”: {
“channel”: 15


“version”: 1,
“minor_version”: 1,
“key”: “homeassistant_hardware.silabs”,
“data”: {
“channel”: 25

Restart HA


Delete 2 integration

Open Thread Border Router

Restart HA

4: Re instal Open Thread Border Router by HACS and Thread

Restart HA


You reconfigured Thread and the sytème is :slight_smile:

Network name: home-assistant
Channel: 25

Is my solution for resolve the problem

Is there a way to change the apple thread network to 15 instead of changing skyconnect to 25? I already have a lot of devices on the zigbee network

I don’t believe any aspect of the Apple Thread network is configurable. However, bear in mind that you don’t need to join your SkyConnect adapter to the Apple Thread network in order to access devices connected to your Apple Thread network. See here - Thread - Home Assistant

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t up…

In my explanations I configured everything on channel 25 of Matter IOS.

Reconfiguring Zibigbee devices was a long job because I have more than 180 devices.

With this update of HA of February 2024 I was able to join the two treahd networks in one now I have all my open border router (1 apple TV, 2 mini homepod, 2 max homepod and the HA via Siliconlabs ) who are in the same network.

This long-term work took me a lot of time. But today I can say that it was fruitful, because with the latest updates of my assistant, Zigbee2MQTT etc.

I just finished the migration, and the network is stabilizing.

On the other hand, depending on the brand of Matter equipment I still cannot see its equipment in Home Assistant, for example the water leak sensors of the EVE brand are only visible in the EVE or Home(Apple).

The nanoleaf bulb form that I used to obtain myHome information is completely transparent in all the Home Assistant , Eve and Home (Apple) universes.

Depends if they are HomeKit-only devices or support both Matter & HomeKit. If you add a HomeKit device somewhere you can only add it once, whereas Matter devices can be shared across ecosystems.

Okay, who knows how to fix this stuff up…

I was using my Apple Netowrk for everything, and at some point I reset my Google Nest Hub, and they all appeared in my Apple Network too! Happy days! …or so I thought.

Problem now is that they seem to be freely roaming between the two networks… Somehow, even the Apple devices are appearing in the Google network…

If you find a fix please post, although I don’t have this issue yet. I might in the future since I was planning to buy a google home, since siri is too ******* to understand 2 languages.

This is a very helpful thread on thread. I have a question regarding the thread network that the ios Companion App uses by default. My preferred thread network is an Expressif border router that I have built. Both Home Assistant and the app report this as the preferred thread network. However, when I commission a new thread matter device, it connects to the Apple thread network that I also have in place. I am surprised that this is happening for a couple of reasons. One is that I don’t understand how the Companion App even has the appropriate credentials for the Apple network. Second, the preferred network is the Expressif border router.

I don’t know the real details, but the iOS Companion app use the Apple SDK for Thread credential management. From what I have heard, the Apple SDK will make an Apple based Thread network it knows about as the “preferred” network. The iOS Companion App should be going to HA to get what HA views as the “preferred network”, but when the Apple SDK underneath the iOS Companion App already has a preferred network, I’m not sure, but I don’t think the latter can be overridden.

The general practice has been to “import” the Apple Thread creds into HA and make it the preferred network, and HA will attempt to migrate any TBRs that use the OTBR APIs to change to the new (Apple based) preferred network. If your Expressif BR is based on OTBR, and it has picked up the APIs that HA uses, then HA should be able to migrate the Expressif BR to use the Apple Thread creds.

Tommy, thank you. That was very helpful, makes total sense from what I see. It is not clear from the UI on the Companion App, though, as you point out. What I was hoping to do is the opposite, to migrate to the new thread network I created on the ESP32 board. I suppose I could do it the other way around. Do you know if the Android Companion App honors the Home Assistant preferred border router? Also, I will have to experiment, but the OTBR is running essentially stand-alone on the ESP device. I just tell Home Assistant about it, and Home Assistant picks up via mDNS the network that it has created. Are you suggesting that I somehow create a new thread network on the ESP device using the Apple credentials? Maybe I’m confused, but I would need to do that some other way, not from Home Assistant. Is that correct?

Thank you.

If Android Companion App has not been used before to pair a device onto a Thread network, then yes, it will use HA’s preferred network dataset/credentials, but if Android has been used before, then no it will use the previously known Thread dataset/credentials.

Just realize that even though the Open Thread Border Router is open source, HA developers have been making changes, and putting these changes back into the upstream of the open source (which may take some time to trickle down through all the distributions), and some of these changes includes a websocket based API for HA-Core to use to control/manage the OTBR. Hopefully your ESP is running a version of the OTBR code that uses these APIs. If HA has seen your ESP32 OTBR and has picked up its Thread dataset/credentials, then these APIs are indeed available on your ESP32 OTBR.

The reason I bring up the API, is that these APIs are about the only way that HA can change the Thread dataset/credentials on a Thread Border Router. In other words if HA wants to change the OTBR’s dataset/credentials, it sends the new dataset/credentials to the OTBR using these APIs, and the OTBR then applies the new dataset/credentials.

I don’t know of a way for HA to force its Thread dataset/credentials onto an existing Apple/Google Thread network, but there are several ways to get an existing Apple/Google Thread dataset/credentials onto HA, so what the typical practice is for Apple, is to “import” the dataset/credentials that already exist on your iOS Companion App to HA, and HA-core will use the APIs mentioned above to change the dataset/credentials of the ESP32 Thread network to match that of your Apple Thread network.

I also forgot to add one important thing from my previous reply, and that is the iOS Companion App does not do a good job of pairing a new device onto HA. In general its broke for pairing, but I have been told that if you try enough times it might eventually work. Only the Android Companion App works for pairing devices onto HA.

I thought I’d read that the aim of Matter development was to eventually allow all local thread networks to interoperate. Maybe it got there early for you.

Hi, I have been strugling to add nuki pro 4 through matter for weeks and I feel for now it’s impossible, so I unplugged my thread border router, disabled all related integrations (matter, thread, otbr) and uninstalled matter server and otbr addons; then rebooted but the previously created network is still here (amazon echo 4th gen. detects it, and after the reboot, HA discover a “matter (BETA) device”). How can I completely remove this network?
