How to Configure Trusted Networks for Internal vs External URLs

Hi! I’m trying to figure out a simple situation… Can I use 2FA on my external HASS domain, and not use 2FA on my internal domain?

From what I’ve read, this should be doable with trusted_networks inside configuration.yaml. But for some reason I cannot get it to work.

I run HASS on a Docker image within a K3s (kubernetes) raspberry pi cluster. Traefik (and MetalLB) do reverse proxying and Traefik takes care of SSL for the domains. Cloudflared provides a cloudflare tunnel for external access (and public DNS). And finally I use PiHole (outside of K3s currently) as my local DNS.


  name: Home
  elevation: 129
  unit_system: imperial
  currency: USD
  time_zone: "America/Los_Angeles"
  internal_url: ""
  external_url: ""
    - type: trusted_networks
        - !secret ethernet_network #
        - !secret trusted_wifi_network #
    - type: homeassistant
    - type: totp
      name: "Authenticator app"
    - type: notify
      message: "Your 2FA code is {}."
  use_x_forwarded_for: true
    - !secret k3s_ip_range

This is what happens when I try to log in using an IP on the ethernet_network:

You’re about to give access to your Home Assistant instance.

Logging in with Trusted Networks.
Login aborted:
Your computer is not allowed.

I’d go with a VPN for external access. AFAIK HASS has never been pen tested

(updated the original post). I am using clouflared for external access. I’m hoping to steer away from a VPN because I’d like to have Google and Amazon integration/TTS

Is VPN the general consensus for the best way to do external access right now?