How to connect to Elk M1 via COM1 (Virtualbox on Windows 10)


I’m new to HA, trying to move from Homeseer.

I’m blocked trying to connect to my Elk-M1. Not sure what to enter in the “Connect to Elk-M1 Control” dialogue box.

I think I only need to enter “/dev/ttyCOM1” and select “Serial”. But it’s not working.

In VirtualBox config, my com port are define as:

Port mode: Host Device, Path/Address: COM1:

Any help would be appreciated.

I decided to run haos directly on my little pc. But I’m still unable to connect to my Elk M1 serial interface. That pc has two serial port. Neither connected.

I also tried with a usb serial adapter, still no success.

This is my configuration:


  • host: serial:///dev/ttyUSB0:115200