How to connect to Nibe heat pump without the cloud

Hi @cmd ,
Do you have more information for this Migration? Does this mean Nibe is killing of Uplink and switch all Heatpumps to MyUplink?

Sorry for double Post, but I read through the whole Thread know.
I think I can handle the Software Parts, but where i can‘t get my head around about the wirering Parts. Does the nibegw has to be wired directly to the smo40?

How do i wire the rs485 adapter to the esp32 Board?

Are there any Guides available?

And after all this is done, is it possible to remote controll the Heatpump afterwards and for example start the hot water processing?

Back to my HA after a very long time and I notice that my Nibe integration isn’t working. I read the posts here but the setup seems to be different from before, I had the Nibe Uplink with callback URL but as far as I understand, that’s not the way now?

Also, I’m a bit confused by the need of a NibeGW unit (I have a F750 connected to LAN). Is this new? What confuses me even more is that I have a working Nibe integration with Tibber and don’t have anything configured with Nibe Uplink. At this point I am most interested in reading data, not writing.

Also, the remote address, what is that supposed to be?

What’s the easiest way forward? :slight_smile:

Hi @outrun,

I recently stumbled upon this page:

It seems you can download a new firmware for older models (I have F1255 myself) which supports myuplink. I have not tested it as I want to make a modbus connection before that.

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Also a “new” source for me: nibepi/ at master · anerdins/nibepi · GitHub

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Question I’m looking into a heat pump that integrates good with ha, I looks like the s series nibe is the way to go.
I need a new fan to, you can connect an ers s10-400 to is, but can you control the fan speeds with ha and the ha nibe integration?
I see this pr: Add missing NIBE ERS Supply Fan Speeds · Issue #85925 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
But don’t know if with this release you can read fan setting only or set fan speeds too, does someone know this?

Hey @HugosDad

I have just had a SMO20 installed and are having the same issues. When I put in a compatible USB menu 7 appears but I dont have the MODBUS options. Just update firmware and logging.

Did you manage to resolve it?

Thanks in advance

The modbus option is not when you put a usb stick in. Its the normal setup menu available usually by holding the “back” button down a few seconds.

Hey @elupus

Thanks for the help. I pushed the button and got the service menu appear. I have been through all the options and cannot see anything. Maybe being defeatist but wonder if I have one that does not have it.

Hi all, my name is Hannes and I am very new to Home Assistant.
I have since 10yrs a large homematic system programmed in Homeputer CL. Also PV 10kW with SMA hardware, an OpenWB wallbox and since a week a Nibe S2125 on a S40 control.
I finally decided to try and integrate everything into: Home assistant. Got me a Raspi4 with SSD and HomeAssistant runnin, and then I got stuck :frowning:
I found a Nibe plug in (or whatever call it, still learnin) got me 400+ infos, cannot cope with it. Deinstalled.
I found this alternative, and have mighty problems.
I got into GitHub and tried my best…
pip3 install nibe-mqtt seems to have worked
nibe-mqtt -c config.yaml gives an error message:

Assertion error: config.yaml should be a file

Basically all I want to accoplish is smart control of me Nibe with PV excess power used for heating whneever possible. Modbus connect to PV is working, but I ain´t got no S0 signal to tell the Nibe my internal power consumption. Which can be pretty high when OpenWB is charging. I thought why not contrrol Nibe iwth openWB as well but got stuck there as well. And then i read warnings not to go haywire with NIBE registers cause rthta might kill the soild state memory of the nibe if you write too often ito the wrong register.
Sorry for the rant!
Any suggestions?

Hi, I’ve successfully integrated my S-series via Modbus and can read and control almost everything from home assistant, not using anymore myUplink app.

Almost…. Is about Away Mode. This is quite convenient in real life… but could not find a way to read / write setting in the registry related to Away Mode.

Anyone who can help here?

Hi! I have just a few of the modbus input coils configured, but I’m having problems enabling switches for the holding registers (More hot water and so on). Would you mind sharing your modbus configuration to translate to my S-1155? Thanks!

How the heck did you do that?
Im completely frustrated, got the "official"Nibe integration thought, well this must work - haha.
Got an SMOS40 on ModbusTCP controlling a S2125-12.
IP adress of the s40 is Modbus is port 502 , Einheitenkennung left at 0 (dunno what this is in English).
I get one unit with 1197 entities, all are deactivated, nothing displayed, what to do next?
I´m prolly plain stupid!
Could you please please pint me to my mistake?

found this comment on reddit, but cannot post over there: is this still broken?

Activate the entities you want to see, non are on by default.

Thanx a bunch mystery dude…
I actually just found that an hour ago and tried it but nothing happened :slight_smile:
But now your post triggered the impulse in me to reboot - et voila!
I´m confident this might be all I need!

Hello! I just setting up nibe-mqtt – terminal it’s trows this: 2023-07-02 18:33:08,470 - INFO - MainThread - nibe.nibe_mqtt.service - Polling coil bt1-outdoor-temperature-40004: last_update = None 2023-07-02 18:33:23,495 - WARNING - MainThread - nibe.nibe_mqtt.service - Poll bt1-outdoor-temperature-40004 failed: Timeout waiting for read response for bt1-outdoor-temperature-40004
What is going on my setting?

I’m trying to connect my Nibe 1255 heat pump using the integration selecting NibeGW since the Home Assitant and the heat pump are on the same network. I know that I have selected the correct model (1255) and remote adress = IP adress for the heatpump. but I do not get the port addresses correct.
Can anyone tell me what values you use for:
Local Listening Port
Remote Read Port
Remote Write Port

Thank you for your help

I got my F750 connected using nibegw but noticed that fan speed control is missing. However it seems that the register was already added to Release 2.3.0 · yozik04/nibe · GitHub. Just wondering when will this version be added to the HA integration, @elupus ?

Ha just need a dep bump. Anybody is free to do it. Just not gotten around to doing it yet.