How to control HomematicIP floor heating actuator channels (RaspberryMatic/Homematic(IP) Local)?

Dear all,

I have a HmIP floor heating actuator (HmIP-FAL230-C6) that I’ve added to HA via the RaspberryMatic add-on and the Homematic(IP) Local integration.

Is there any way to control the channels/valves directly from HA? I (believe) can see them exposed as binary sensor, e.g. binary_sensor.floor_heating_actuator_ch1, but when I toggle the state of any of those channels from off to on, the corresponding valve does not open. Is control of these valves only possible from the RaspberryMatic add-on?

Thanks in advance!

Here’s the answer How to control floor heating actuator channels? · jens-maus/RaspberryMatic · Discussion #2398 (