How to control Sonance DSP-750 via IP Commands

OK, I have recently deployed a Sonance DSP-750 MKII through IP commands. This took a bit of stuffing around to get the commands correct, but is now working a treat! I thought I would post this for anyone else trying to do it and for when I need it again and have forgotten (about two weeks!).

I’m using HAOS on x86 hardware. I installed HAOS using a Ubuntu live USB and restored the latest disk image. So these commands are specific to this type of deployment, as it will be using shell commands.

Without further ado, here is the code for your shell_commands section of configuration, or shell_commands.yaml file if using it externally to the configuration.yaml file. Please note, I could not get variables or !secrets to work in this, so the full commands are static:

### shell_commands.yaml
### DSP 750 Control Commands #####################################
### Zone 1 Volume Up
z1_volume_up: 'echo -ne "\xFF\x55\x02\x04\x00" | nc 52000'

### Zone 1 Volume Down
z1_volume_down: 'echo -ne "\xFF\x55\x02\x05\x00" | nc 52000'

### Zone 1 Volume Mute
z1_volume_mute: 'echo -ne "\xFF\x55\x02\x06\x00" | nc 52000'

### Zone 2 Volume Up
z2_volume_up: 'echo -ne "\xFF\x55\x02\x04\x01" | nc 52000'

### Zone 2 Volume Down
z2_volume_down: 'echo -ne "\xFF\x55\x02\x05\x01" | nc 52000'

### Zone 2 Volume Mute
z2_volume_mute: 'echo -ne "\xFF\x55\x02\x06\x01" | nc 52000'

The full list of commands can be found in the Excel spreadsheet published by Sonance: Sonance IP Command List

I also created some sensors to query the unit for its current state of the volume and mute.

### sensors.yaml
### Sonance DSP2-750 MK II #####################################################
### Zone 1 Volume Query 
- platform: command_line
  name: z1_room_volume
  command: 'echo -ne "\xFF\x55\x02\x10\x00" | nc 52000'
  value_template: '{{ value | regex_findall_index("(?<=\=)(.*?)(?=\ )") }}'
  scan_interval: 15
  unit_of_measurement: "db"
  command_timeout: 5

### Zone 1 Mute Query 
- platform: command_line
  command: 'echo -ne "\xFF\x55\x02\x12\x00" | nc 52000'
  value_template: '{{ value | regex_findall_index("(?<=\=)(.*)") }}'
  scan_interval: 15
  command_timeout: 5
### Zone 2 Volume Query
- platform: command_line
  name: z2_room_volume
  command: 'echo -ne "\xFF\x55\x02\x10\x01" | nc 52000'
  value_template: '{{ value | regex_findall_index("(?<=\=)(.*?)(?=\ )") }}'
  scan_interval: 15
  unit_of_measurement: "db"
  command_timeout: 5

### Zone 2 Mute Query 
- platform: command_line
  command: 'echo -ne "\xFF\x55\x02\x12\x01" | nc 52000'
  value_template: '{{ value | regex_findall_index("(?<=\=)(.*)") }}'
  scan_interval: 15
  command_timeout: 5

And finally scripts that activate the shell commands, then trigger a sensor update so the status is reflected immediately in the entities.

### scripts.yaml
### Zone 1 Volume UP
  alias: Zone 1 Volume Up
    - service: shell_command.z1_volume_up
    - service: homeassistant.update_entity
      entity_id: sensor.z1_room_volume

### Zone 1 Volume Down
  alias:Zone 1 Volume Down
    - service: shell_command.z1_volume_down
    - service: homeassistant.update_entity
      entity_id: sensor.z1_room_volume

### Zone 1 Mute Toggle
  alias: Zone 1 Volume Mute
    - service: shell_command.z1_volume_mute
    - service: homeassistant.update_entity
      entity_id: sensor.z1_room_mute

### Zone 2 Volume UP
  alias: Zone 2 Volume Up
    - service: shell_command.z2_volume_up
    - service: homeassistant.update_entity
      entity_id: sensor.z2_room_volume

### Zone 2 Volume Down
  alias:Zone 2 Volume Down
    - service: shell_command.z2_volume_down
    - service: homeassistant.update_entity
      entity_id: sensor.z2_room_volume

### Zone 2 Mute Toggle
  alias: Zone 2 Volume Mute
    - service: shell_command.z2_volume_mute
    - service: homeassistant.update_entity
      entity_id: sensor.z2_room_mute

Obviously this would work for other hex commands to be sent over IP (check my other post for controlling a Grandview projector lift via an iTach IP2SL).

Hopefully that will help someone!

This is helpful. I managed to replicate what you did and will work on it further. My goal is to be able to configure input2output and use Alexa voice commands as the user interface for the automation. Thank you!

No problem, glad it helped!