HOW-TO: Control your Ouman EH-800 heating controller using Home Assistant

I have setup my sensor.yaml to read some information from my Ouman EH-800 succesfully. As the next step I am trying to add some adaptivity to the heating by adjusting the room temperature offset based on the needs, but I cannot seem to be able to set the offset in the unit. I am using Node-red flow like this:

First ‘http request’ node is the login and the second is the command I am trying to use. I get the response ‘result?S_134_85=1.0;’, but the setting in Ouman does not change… Any idea what might be going wrong, or should I even be able to set the offset like this?

S_134_85 is listed as Set/Get-register in Ouman web-interface offers input box for room temp fine adjustment. Seems likely, that it can be adjusted.

Some examples on Oumanilta uusi säädin EH-800 | Lampopumput - Keskustelua lämpöpumpuista, see post #31. They seem to set time and date same time as example of command grouping.

@Atomicsickness had some ideas in the summer about room temp fine adjustment, maybe he can help with syntax?

Got it working now with some wiresharking, turns out the register in Lampopumput seems to be wrong, using S_102_85=-0.3; worked for the offset adjustment.

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@Atomicsickness It should be possible to set curve points using registers, since Ouman GUI has those settings (water temp for circuit at -20 °C, 0 °C and +20 °C). IIRC, Ouman as device has “sanity check” for values when using three point settings, the other option, five point control doesn’t have sanity check. Registers can be probably found in eh800_js-file and wiresharking.

Just as a side note in case someone needs it, I just created a switch to control the valve operating mode for the “V2” circuit, I needed this to automatically change the mode if the boiler reaches a certain temperature.

For me it should be 100% open in case of ground heating and automatic in case I fire up the wood boiler, like for now when it’s cold as hell in Finland for a few days to come.

  - switch:
      name: Ouman EH800 - Radiator Vavle Operating Mode (ON = Auto // Off = 100% Open)
      command_on: curl "http://ip:ip:ip:ip:port/update?S_146_85=0;"
      command_off: curl "http://ip:ip:ip:ip:port/update?S_146_85=6;"
      scan_interval: 120
      command_state: curl http://ip:ip:ip:ip:port/request?S_146_85 --output - | cut -d ';' -f 1 | cut -b 18-
      value_template: >
        {% if value == "0" %}
        {% else %}
         {% endif %}
      unique_id: E5E8BA24-E094-8152-C2EB-3E3A03444A6A4


Automatik = value 0
Handstyrning = value 6 (it remembers 100% so no need to change that also)

Translation if needed
Automatik = Automatic
Handstyrning = Manual

I used the “inspect method” to find the values, described here HOW-TO: Control your Ouman EH-800 heating controller using Home Assistant - #39 by Belaial

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As an heads-up / potential for future improvements, Home Assistant Core 2024.1.0 adds new entity called “valve”, which is described to be valve, that was previously (in some use cases) replaced with switch. Think about two position valve (on/off). Details are bit dim, but this may evolve into something useful for EH-800 valves.

My five cents, after three years on HA, all things like this have been first minor, after that, they will be developed and “valve” as device is pretty universal concept. My personal installation doesn’t have much use for this, but for systems with radiators or some other cases, it might be useful.

2024.1: Happy automating! - Home Assistant ( - New entity Valve

To improve this guide, what’s the opinion of active contributors, is version 2.0, that is, separate new thread necessary / better way? HA has changed syntax and structure of configuration since we begun 1,5 years ago. We have new information and ideas (eg. @Belaial , @Atomicsickness ). Then there are different language versions.

Is it better to create new posts reflecting new information and changes, the “version 2.0.”, or keep updating current thread? Personally, I think new thread would improve readibility. And of course, credits for improvements / ideas need to be included, if we end up to version 2.0. We can always point to new thread, if we end to that. And if we work as collective, we can share part of development, like I write the basic configuration, @Belaial , @Atomicsickness shares his contribution? It’s mostly copy-paste and parsing, I think? In my opinion, this re-work would make this excellent EH-800 controller and Home Assistant even easier to approach and popular. Most of threads and guides here really suffer from poor readibility, because of version changes etc…

I think we have decent guide, but it could be improved quite easily, I think.

I was thinking the same when I read about this, however I don’t control them via HA (in that way) I just read them and graph them to see how they open / close, they are still controlled by Ouman, just monitored by HA.

With that said it could be useful one day for sure.

I agree that a new thread might be a good way forward, or maybe a Github page, however I am not that “up to speed” with Github so maybe a new thread is the easiest way (unless someone here is really good with Github), was just thinking a Github page could always be updated / edited to look good and reflect the current and correct configurations (instead of needing to read through 100+ posts in a few years :slight_smile:), I guess a new thread just runs the risk of ending up the same way as this one sooner or later.

The absolutely best thing I guess would be if it all could be turned into a addon (I guess it’s called a “Service” in HA tho), however that probably is a lot of work to develop / maintain and personally I don’t have any skills when it comes to writing code unfortunately, so in the end a new thread or a Github page probably is the way to go, at least for now.

I think Home Assistant 2023.12.2 core update need some chance to ouman code. Every measurements are unknow.

  • platform: command_line
    name: Ouman_menopyyntö
    command: ‘curl “” | cut -d “:” -f 2 | cut -d “;” -f 1 | cut -b 18-’
    unit_of_measurement: “°C”
    That old code is not works any more. What I must do. What I must chance.


Soooo long since I put this all up but my setup is working still, this is what I have (sorry if something is wrong, trying to remember it all on the fly)

  1. Create a shell_command in /homeassistant/configuration.yaml

(replace ip, port, username & password with your values)

    ouman_logon: 'curl "http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/login?uid=USERNAME;pwd=PASSWORD;" > /dev/null'
  1. Create a automation that logs into Ouman “every now and then”

(I have no clue if 2 minutes are to often but it works for me)

alias: Log on to Ouman-EH800
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: "2"
    alias: Log on every 2 minutes
condition: []
  - service: shell_command.ouman_logon
    data: {}
mode: single
  1. Then create all the sensors you want under /homeassistant/configuration.yaml


  - sensor:
        name: Ouman EH800 - Temperatur Outside
        command: 'curl "http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/request?S_227_85" | cut -d '';'' -f 1 | cut -b 18-'
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
        state_class: measurement
        unique_id: sensor.ouman_eh800_temperatur_outside

Again, this might not be the best or recommended way to do it but it works for me for now at least.

Like @honkkkis mentioned about a month ago, it might be a good time to start a new thread or somehow clean this one up or a github page or something to better keep track of everything.

If someone sees anything wrong with my setup please let me know but I think this is all I have.

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Hi! I’ve been trying to implement Ouman EH-800 valve control to my Home Assistant instance and I have managed to get sensors working. For some reason, I am not able to get switches work. I have explored Ouman’s web interface via browsers devtool, but I haven’t found solution for this.

Here’s example from my command_line.yaml where sensors are working like a charm, but switch is not changing the state at all. What is wrong with my yaml?

- switch:
    name: Lattialämmitys kotona-poissa
    unique_id: lattia_kotonapoissa
    command_on: curl "{{ states('input_text.ouman_eh800_ip')}}update?S_135_85=1;"
    command_off: curl "{{ states('input_text.ouman_eh800_ip')}}update?S_135_85=0;"
    command_state: curl "{{ states('input_text.ouman_eh800_ip')}}request?S_135_85" | cut -d "=" -f2 | cut -d ";" -f1
    value_template: '{{ value == "1" }}'

- sensor:
    name: Lattialämmitys tila
    command: curl "{{ states('input_text.ouman_eh800_ip')}}request?S_135_85" | cut -d "=" -f2 | cut -d ";" -f1

- sensor:
    name: Ulkolämpötila eh800
    command: curl "{{ states('input_text.ouman_eh800_ip')}}request?S_227_85" | cut -d "=" -f2 | cut -d ";" -f1
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"

One more thing, I have written everything I’ve done to this repo: is this potential way to develop this further in cooperation? I will open the repository to developers who would like to conribute.


Here are examples of my two working switches that controls the valve operational mode for the Ouman itself and the extra valve via EXU-800

The radiator one is the EXU-800

The 100% value in the name of the swtich is not changed by HA or this switch, the Ouman remembers the last value set in the GUI so it just goes back to that value when that operating mode is selected, I have not tried to control the % value via HA since I have not had any use for it, I guess it should not be to hard to fix it if needed.

In /homeassistant/configuration.yaml

  - switch:
      name: Ouman EH800 - Radiator Vavle Mode (ON = Auto // Off = 100% Open)
      command_on: curl "http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/update?S_146_85=0;"
      command_off: curl "http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/update?S_146_85=6;"
      scan_interval: 120
      command_state: curl http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/request?S_146_85 --output - | cut -d ';' -f 1 | cut -b 18-
      value_template: >
        {% if value == "0" %}
        {% else %}
         {% endif %}
      unique_id: E5E8BA24-E094-8152-C2EB-3E3A03444A6A4

  - switch:
      name: Ouman EH800 - Floorheating Vavle Mode (ON = Auto // Off = 100% Open)
      command_on: curl "http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/update?S_59_85=0;"
      command_off: curl "http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/update?S_59_85=6;"
      scan_interval: 120
      command_state: curl http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/request?S_59_85 --output - | cut -d ';' -f 1 | cut -b 17-
      value_template: >
        {% if value == "0" %}
        {% else %}
         {% endif %}
      unique_id: E6E8CE83-E741-1122-E3BE-6E3C03214B6A5

Regarding Github I think that might be the best way forward when keeping track of everything, I have very little / no experience with maintaining a repository there but willing try try and learn how to @mhumaloja


here is also a example of how I configure sensors

  - sensor:
        name: Ouman EH800 - Temperature Outside
        command: 'curl "http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/request?S_227_85" | cut -d '';'' -f 1 | cut -b 18-'
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
        state_class: measurement
        unique_id: b25ef358-72d9-4ceb-8e5d-eedc2c4170ac

One thing you want to include is the “state_class”, at least I think that is needed to automatically get the long term statistics working, I recently added this since I did not have it from the start, I noticed you did not have that one as well so hopefully it’s helpful information.

This is very frustrating… I tried to copy your switch like this:

- switch:
      name: Lattialämmitys kotona-poissa
      command_on: curl "{{ states('input_text.ouman_eh800_ip')}}update?S_135_85=1;"
      command_off: curl "{{ states('input_text.ouman_eh800_ip')}}update?S_135_85=0;"
      scan_interval: 120
      command_state: curl "{{ states('input_text.ouman_eh800_ip')}}request?S_135_85" --output - | cut -d "=" -f2 | cut -d ";" -f1
      value_template: >
        {% if value == "1" %}
        {% else %}
         {% endif %}
      unique_id: lattia_kotonapoissa

And it is not working…

I’m more than happy to invite you to administrate the repository if you want to hop on?

  - switch:
      name: Ouman EH800 - Home / Away (Off = Away // On = Home)
      command_on: curl ";"
      command_off: curl ";"
      scan_interval: 120
      command_state: curl --output - | cut -d ';' -f 1 | cut -b 18-
      value_template: >
        {% if value == "0" %}
        {% else %}
         {% endif %}
      unique_id: A8E9CE82-A131-2214-EE7E-7E3D43414BAA6

That one works for me to control home / away, have not tried the way you do it with the edited curl parts, try mine without any edits just to verify it works before you try it your way.

Regarding Github, I need to sit myself down some evening to look into how it works, I will try and create my own hidden repo first, then I can help edit yours when I know how to :slight_smile: I will get back to you on that one, in the meantime feel free to copy and use all my examples on your repo.

Nope, doesn’t work. All request? type curl commands are working but update? are not. Login shoud be ok because requests are working. I have sensor and binary sensor for request?S_135_85 and I tried to disable them. No effect, still not working. I have a dead end with this…

Then I have no real clue what could be wrong, I checked in GUI on the Ouman when I used the switch and it changed there so it must be working, at least for me.

Maybe some difference between our Oumans? Mine is quite old I think. not sure how old without checking at home (at work now), I am quite sure tho it’s running software 2.0.4, in case you have something else I guess there’s a possibility it works differently from mine.

As a side note I tried to change the automation that runs the “shell_command.ouman_logon” to 20 minutes (instead of 2), no issues so far so the login timeout is at least 20+ minutes.

@mhumaloja - I checked again and noticed a small mistake in my code for the “command_state”… sorry for that, I have updated my previous post so please check it again.

Issue was “cut -b 17-” in the end needs to be “cut -b 18-” instead, mistake was made since I copied a switch for the “?S_59_85” value, there is 1 character less than in that than in “?S_135_85”… so the result was all messed up and therefore the “command_state” did not work, I was to quick when checking that yesterday… sorry for that.

I have now verified it works for me, if I update from HA by toggling the switch it updates in Ouman GUI and if I manually change in Ouman GUI it updates the switch also in HA after “scan_interval: 120” has triggered.

Something changed with this. Earlier if I toggled the switch in HA UI it switched back after a moment. Now switch keeps the state ONCE but if I toggle it back off it switches back on itself. And it does not change the setting in Ouman WebUI. This is very Weird. It looks like the curl command is not authorized or something…

Something changed with this. Earlier if I toggled the switch in HA UI it switched back after a moment.

Yes, this is due to the error I mentioned where I had “cut -b 17-” in the end but it needs to be “cut -b 18-”

To show what happens,

curl http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/request?S_135_85 --output - | cut -d ';' -f 1 | cut -b 17-
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100    20    0    20    0     0   3258      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  3333

If you look above I run with “cut -b 17-”, the reply on the last line is “=0”, so the value_template becomes false since the reply does not match the true statement

If I however use

curl http://ip.ip.ip.ip:port/request?S_135_85 --output - | cut -d ';' -f 1 | cut -b 18-
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100    20    0    20    0     0   2911      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  3333

You see the reply is now only “0” when I use “cut -b 18-” instead, so the reply now have a value which = true according to the if / else value_template, so the switch will stay on.

And it does not change the setting in Ouman WebUI. This is very Weird. It looks like the curl command is not authorized or something…

Have you checked in the Ouman GUI that the Home / Away boxes really does have “?S_135_85” as it’s register? Otherwise I can’t think of anything right now that could case the issue as long as you test with my example, I described here how I check the registers.