I want to create a dedicated water view, to monitor the water consumption of my house.
I use the Energy Dashboard feature to monitor electricity consumption, solar production, and tried to use it for the water consumption.
I have a first view “Energy” to monitor the electricity with the cards :
type: energy-date-selection
type: energy-usage-graph
type: energy-sources-table
type: energy-devices-graph
The view is great, with its date-period selector.
I tried now to create a second view “Water” to monitor the water consumption.
So I use these cards :
type: energy-date-selection
type: energy-water-graph
type: energy-sources-table
It could be perfect, but the energy-source-table mixes energy and water. This is really stupid, because the water is not an energy (it could be, be transformed into hydrogen ? ). And a dashboard with energy + water is really to complex and not user friendly. The UX should be very bad.
Do you know if it is possible to have a filter on energy-sources-table ? Or is it possible to rebuild this feature with other cards ? Or create a fork ?
If this isn’t possible, is it possible to create an “energy like” graph to display the long-term statistics for my water meter (total_increasing state class)? The statistics chart does not support total_increasing state class: the behaviour should be the same as that of the energy graph to be homogeneous. But it displays a graph with an increasing value of the water counter, which is not usefull.
If I don’t find any graph supporting the long term long statistic of state class total_increasing, I will create utility_meter entities to group day, week, month and year consumption, and create 4 graphs.
Another option should be to use another database like influxDB.
But it shouldn’t make sense to store long-term statistics for total counters and not be able to use them !
So, how do you monitor your water consumption from a water counter ?