How to create a dedicated view for water monitoring?

I want to create a dedicated water view, to monitor the water consumption of my house.
I use the Energy Dashboard feature to monitor electricity consumption, solar production, and tried to use it for the water consumption.

I have a first view “Energy” to monitor the electricity with the cards :

type: energy-date-selection
type: energy-usage-graph
type: energy-sources-table
type: energy-devices-graph

The view is great, with its date-period selector.

I tried now to create a second view “Water” to monitor the water consumption.
So I use these cards :

type: energy-date-selection
type: energy-water-graph
type: energy-sources-table

It could be perfect, but the energy-source-table mixes energy and water. This is really stupid, because the water is not an energy (it could be, be transformed into hydrogen ? :wink:). And a dashboard with energy + water is really to complex and not user friendly. The UX should be very bad.

Do you know if it is possible to have a filter on energy-sources-table ? Or is it possible to rebuild this feature with other cards ? Or create a fork ?

If this isn’t possible, is it possible to create an “energy like” graph to display the long-term statistics for my water meter (total_increasing state class)? The statistics chart does not support total_increasing state class: the behaviour should be the same as that of the energy graph to be homogeneous. But it displays a graph with an increasing value of the water counter, which is not usefull.

If I don’t find any graph supporting the long term long statistic of state class total_increasing, I will create utility_meter entities to group day, week, month and year consumption, and create 4 graphs.
Another option should be to use another database like influxDB.

But it shouldn’t make sense to store long-term statistics for total counters and not be able to use them !

So, how do you monitor your water consumption from a water counter ?

Have you tried
custom:history-explorer-card ?

There are ofcause other custom:graph-cards i.e

You find them through HACS

Yes I tried them and they could be the less bad. Both have a period selector.
But I think they use only the history (limited duration), and not the long term statistics. Am I true ?

The custom:history-explorer-card is more a developper tool, with its entity selector we cannot remove.
Plotty could be better but it is not very user friendly compare to energy dashboard.

I don’t understand why Home Assistant is so poor for long term data management…. excepted for energy dashboard.

What ever you are looking for, a little imagination and rethinking will make your life easier , and yes InfluxDB and Grafana is just yet another option
I tried this for awhile, but went back to the native-ha-db

PS: I don’t measure my water-consumption, im blessed with my own Well and firewood/+ electric-backup heating system, with easy access to firewood, So i G.A.S whether i shower in extreme hot water for more than halv an hour ( In fact i love the warmer it is, so i have a chair i can sit on, with a 8x16 inns Waterfall-head above ) … sometimes with a cold beer within reach

? … remove with card-mod “display: none;” which you btw can also can use to make it as “user-friendly” you will ( cording to your preferences ) , as you know user-friend is a highly individual perspective, also maybe even a “generation” perspective


Excellent !! I would like to have a picture of the chair under the waterfall :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Yes, I use also ApexCharts, which is realy great ! I also saw that it supports long term statistics too (but not total_increasing class like enegy board does). Unfortunately ApexChart has no out of the box date and period pickers.
Another option should be to use an external database like influxDB (plus Grafana), but I think it is now better to use the long term statistics, unless its integration into the dashboard is very poor. I hope it will change in the future.

But you gave me the way to the solution, and thank you so much for this !!
My initial request was how to use the energy board with electricity and water, but create a dedicated view for electricity and a dedicated view for water, using the energy cards.

The problem is that the energy-sources-table mixes electricity and water.


But it is possible with card mod to only use this card for electricity, and remove the water lines (in the electricity view)

And I removed the electricity stuff for the water (in the water view). I removed also “Energy” label, which makes no sens with the water.

And the code for the water :

type: energy-sources-table
  style: |
    ha-card > div > div > table > thead > tr > th:nth-child(3) {
      color: var(--card-background-color)
    ha-card > div > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) {
      display: none
    ha-card > div > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) {
      display: none
    ha-card > div > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) {
      display: none
    ha-card > div > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(5) {
      display: none
    ha-card > div > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(6) {
      display: none

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it’s just a comfy garden-chair in plastic :smile:

And yes, i totally agree with you The Energy-Dashboard was a nice NEW Feature,thou it feels like it was just “dropped in and forgotten”, thou there is added “personal” entities and the option to use the " Items " in own Dashboards … which is the only option if one wants something NICE looking, instead of a View with some HUGE bars filling +80% of the Dashboard, kind of like the “Hardware” view in Settings/System … Should be easy to add the option to “modify View”, i mean it’s can’t be because they are afraid people will mess it up and complain( here in the forum ) , and i guess they( or no ) open source project have an “complain department” anyway :smile:

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Well, there is the WTH for the complains…

We have now to wait for the WTH 2023… :wink:

Yes, i think it will evolve , steady but slowly, one can’t blame the devs on being on the lazy side, with all constant new cool features, integrations etc. … only problem is with this … i keep “loosing” focus, trying out new things, new looks :smile:

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