I want to create a notify service which is like notify.alexa_media or notify.mobile_app_<phone_name>.
I haven’t found any docs anywhere on how to create one of these.
My integration is based off of config entries by the way.
Edit: I’m just not going to do it in a dev container
Hi again. I’m trying to discover a TV through the config flow in a dev environment on my Windows PC. I move it over to a custom component on the main HA instance and it works fine. I try testing the Hue integration and it discovers my bridge just fine.
Just found this thread looking for a custom notifier, too. I basically wanted to have a notifier which will activate a zigbee siren periodically from alert integration, which in turn requires a notifier, not an arbitrary service.name.
The solution is simple using pyscript integration:
Add more options like title, target, or any other data using rich pyscript abilities. The key here is that the service is created in a given domain with a given name, “notify.neo” for this example. So you may then use it like this:
PS. I understand that it is not an answer to original question. But for those who like me search for template notifier integration, it may be the simplest solution.