hello, I would like to create a Add utility meter (water, gas, electricity…) but I can’t find a rate to set the input. I have a single rate of 0.15 euros per kwh. How to create the Tariff entity? Thank you
There is nothing to configure in the utility meter if you just have one tariff.
You can track the costs either in the energy dashboard or create a template sensore where you multiply the consumption with the costs.
thanks, I don’t have any tariff. My question is just to know how to create a template sensor
After you set up a utilities meter it will create an accumulative sensor sensor.sensor_name then you create a template sensor with
"{{ (states('sensor.sensor_name') | float * 0.15) | round(2) }}"
Thank you. I’m newbie of HA. Where can I write
"{{ (states('sensor.sensor_name') | float * 0.15) | round(2) }}"
Just in configuration.yaml ? It doesn’t work.
Yes in the configuration.yaml,
- platform: template
value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.sensor_name') | float * 0.15) | round(2) }}"
Thank you
I use
- platform: template
value_template: “{{ (states(‘sensor.sensor_name’) | float * 0.15) | round(2) }}”
but I get an error:
Invalid config for [sensor.template]: [energy_cost] is an invalid option for [sensor.template]. Check: sensor.template->energy_cost
Firstly you got to set up the utilities meter properly sensor.sensor_name
is where you put the name of your sensor and you got to format and indent it properly that why it give that error.
Hello, I really can’t do it, I don’t know what to write in configuration.yaml. I put this but it doesn’t work.
I write this
name: jour baie vitrée
source: sensor.baie_vitree
cycle: daily
- tarif_base
It gives nothing. Also, I don’t see where to write.
value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.tarif_base') | float * 0.15) | round(2) }}"
If I write this I got an error
Please, help me
Without more info its very hard, may i ask where is this sensor from ?
I would simply like to create a single tariff of 0.15 euros per kwh so that I can select it in “Add a utility meter (water, gas, electricity…)” for the consumption of my various appliances. I can never validate the configuration because I am asked “Tariff supported” but the list is empty.
May be start from here
Did you ever figure this out. Like you I find the help you get here indirect and cryptic. This is the hardest software I have interacted with. Even trying to do the simplest of tasks like this is a marathon. I mean the help says you dont need a tariff if its only one value . But then absolutely no information how you set up what you want to do. Its infuriating. They say they want feedback on documentation and then do nothing