How to Create an Automation with Z-Wave Devices

I was able to get my Z-Wave devices into HA. Thanks to help from the forum (THANK YOU)!

Now that they are visible in Z-Wave JS

how do I use them in an automation?

Device doesn’t list either Z-Wave device.

It is probably something simple…


Try selecting “State” instead of device and look for your Z-Wave devices entity.

In addition to setting up the Z-Wave JS UI addon you also need to setup the z-wave js integration.

Ok - here is my try at describing what I have…

I have Z-Wave JS UI installed, and it lists my two devices and my USB hub:

I have two Add-ons: Z-Wave JS and Z-Wave JS UI:

Here is the configuration of Z-Wave JS UI:

Here is the configuration of Z-Wave JS:

Here are my issues:

When I go to the Overview, there are no Z-Wave devices listed. Nor are any listed in Automation. I am not able to create any automations that involve Z-Wave devices. Help.

When I try to create Automations:

Add Trigger | Devices, there are no Z-Wave Devices
Add Trigger | State, there are no Z-Wave Entities

Please help.


You can’t use both add-ons at the same time. Pick one of them, I recommend ZUI.

If you only have 2 devices you can just uninstall the z-wave integration and uninstall the official Z-wave JS add-on, leaving ZUI installed. Then be sure to follow ZUI add-on instructions, which has as step-by-step guide on how to install.

Thank you for your help!

I appreciate the one more level of detail…

I find the names confusing. I think once it clicks it will be fine. Hopefully.

I just uninstalled all the Z-Wave stuff I could find. I uninstalled the following:

  • Unchecked Do you want to use the Z-Wave JS Supervisor add-on?
  • Z-Wave integration
  • Z-Wave JS Add-On
  • Z-Wave JS UI

So, based on what I think I know… I should install only the following:

Add-on – Z-Wave JS UI (3.0.1)

A small update - I have installed the Z-Wave JS UI and have my two nodes and one hub in the list.

However, neither of those nodes are in the HA Automations under Device or State. – where can I find them in Automations?


One more question - now on JS UI - what should this be set to, Blue or Gray?